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  • 13-add-ascii-file-header-functionality
  • KMatrixBranch
  • VecTo3PS
  • autodiffBranch
  • codiPackBranch
  • master default
  • nils
  • V03-00-00rel1
  • V02-00-00
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  • V00-00-01
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.07Aug20Jul12764130Jun292823221716330May25244329Apr262521201513117654131Mar30292423222125Feb1920Jan845Nov30Oct2928237Aug631Jul232183226Jun232219151122May2112118765430Apr282721201772131Mar30201312111065326Feb24111029Jan27232219161413129812Dec526Nov2112114331Oct3027221710626Sep252423162128Aug272522201815141312825Jul1025Jun4323May201110Apr9643127Mar2625328Feb27262421201918141254331Jan30291396216Dec43229Nov282726211918131211876431Oct3028252322191630Sep53221Aug1615831Jul22211918171615121110842120Jun1918531May232216151463229Apr25241716151312111085428Mar27262522212012764128Feb272625222120191815141312765131Jan302825242322181716151122Dec2018151310765429Nov28272623222120151386531Oct292322109854129Sep20191817141312610Aug985226Jul25232012Jun117624May231674some (anti)baryons inserted in pdtNew.tableAdded two new N-Baryons to pdtNew.tableswitched off second loop of minimization strategy 2 for Minuit IIswitched off second loop of minimization strategy 2 for MinuitMerge branch 'master' of tau:/var/www/git/PawianAdded N(1710)- Baryon to pdtNew.tablebug fix: enabled barrier factors for prod amps in singel res mode (resFiles)corrected typo in K3Merge branch 'master' of tau:/var/www/git/Pawianfixed parity of N-Baryons in pdtNew.tableremoved empty lines in pdtNew.table to get rid of log message ERROR: /ParticleGrammar.hhminor modification in LineShapes/Jamfilefixed steering of input params for TwoPolesAppadded new particles in pdt-tablefixed PATH to the bjam exepick up ROOT path from the environment, and added missing dependenciesswitched to newer ROOT versionMerge branch 'master' of tau:/var/www/git/Pawianfixed template depth flag in Jamrootfix in HeliDecAmpsfew modificatione in MatrixPiPiSWaveSimple4piPhpfew modificatione in TwoPolesAppfew modifications in BwShape.ccMerge branch 'master' of out parts in DecAngularDist.ccfixed minor issue in DatatUtils validJPClamlamadded baryon resonances in pdt listadded missing class FsParticleProjectionsfixed typo in script Examples/benchmark/coupledChannel/downloadData_scriptmajor changes; supported fits with any number of spin>0 particles in final stateadded some baryons in particle listmodified transformation of initial system; added baryon resonances in pdt-tablechanged minor things in DataFitCompare.Cminor changes in pdt-tablemodified Riemann sheed analyser; projection index extracted from K-Matrix config filechanged serverAddress of benchmarkadded benchmark for coupled channel analysis with different reactionsadded PWA with isolated resonances (resFiles option) to coupled channel analysisbug fix for coupled channel analyses and l dependend caching of dynamicsminor changes in resBaseLh