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  • 13-add-ascii-file-header-functionality
  • KMatrixBranch
  • VecTo3PS
  • autodiffBranch
  • codiPackBranch
  • master default
  • nils
  • V03-00-00rel1
  • V02-00-00
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  • V00-00-01
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.013Oct64226Sep625Aug23222118171110987432131Jul2826252112427Jun2222May18426Apr211913126429Mar241028Feb242321876327Jan201665422Dec21201615141316Nov1512119827Oct24211154221Sep20529Aug2423169720Jul12764130Jun292823221716330May25244329Apr262521201513117654131Mar30292423222125Feb1920Jan845Nov30Oct2928237Aug631Jul232183226Jun232219151122May2112118765430Apr282721201772131Mar30201312111065326Feb24111029Jan27232219161413129812Dec526Nov2112114331Oct3027221710626Sep252423162128Aug272522201815141312825Jul1025Jun4323May201110Apr9643127Mar2625328Feb27262421201918141254331Jan30291396216Dec43229Nov282726211918131211876431Oct3028252322191630Sep53221Aug1615831Jul22211918171615121110842120Jun1918531May232216151463229Apr25241716151312111085428Mar27262522212012764128Feb272625222120191815141312765131Jan30282524232218171615new tools for gamma gamma reaction; pwa runs techincally in the single channel modeminor modifications for initialzing complex variablesminor changes in PhasespaceIsobarLUT classminor changes in PhasespaceIsobar classesGSI Environment fixedChanges in LookupTable processingLookupTable Phasespace Factors addedminor fixes in BBunstable; added /usr/local/julia/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in SetEnv_rubfixed BBunstable caching for scattering datafixed juila-path in SetEnv_rubEnviroment for RUB changed to fit central julia pathminor changes in building process to make julia work in non threaded modeadded caching procedure for PhaseSpaceIsobarBBUnstablewent back to the old BB unstable versionbasdevent-berger script modifiedChanges in JamrootChanges in Jamrootintroduced decay amp for gam gam formationremoved info msg in KMatrixDynamicscorrections for breakupMomQASadded missing class gamgamParseradded needed classes for gam gam fitsV01-00-00V01-00-00reverting change in Jamfile of Minuit examplesadded possibility to define all parameters, relevant for BBUnstable Phsp description, already in KMatrix configadded few things for gamgaminitial import of gam gamKstarRho mode added for BBUnstable Phasespace factor.Set of known modes added for BBUnstable Phasespace factor: RhoPi, RhoK, RhoRho, KstarK, KstarPi, KstarKstar.minor corrections in PhaseSpaceIsobarBBUnstablenumerical instability hotfix in basdevant-berger-cm.jlfixed few things related to PhaseSpaceIsobarBBUnstablefixed (hopefully) pole search with Chew Mandelstam functionsfixed SetEnv_rub scriptworking on embedding julia... not fully working yetMerge branch 'master' of SetEnv_gsi to enable access to JULIAMerge branch 'master' of to patched version of root-5.34.36 due to LLVM issues w/ julia and rootadded Markus' pdt-table to be able to go to HEAD revision @gsire-organized Jamroot files and SetEnv scripts for various sites