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  • 13-add-ascii-file-header-functionality
  • KMatrixBranch
  • VecTo3PS
  • autodiffBranch
  • codiPackBranch
  • master default
  • nils
  • V03-00-00rel1
  • V02-00-00
  • V01-00-00
  • V00-00-01
  • V00-00-00
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.025Jul2112427Jun2222May18426Apr211913126429Mar241028Feb242321876327Jan201665422Dec21201615141316Nov1512119827Oct24211154221Sep20529Aug2423169720Jul12764130Jun292823221716330May25244329Apr262521201513117654131Mar30292423222125Feb1920Jan845Nov30Oct2928237Aug631Jul232183226Jun232219151122May2112118765430Apr282721201772131Mar30201312111065326Feb24111029Jan27232219161413129812Dec526Nov2112114331Oct3027221710626Sep252423162128Aug272522201815141312825Jul1025Jun4323May201110Apr9643127Mar2625328Feb27262421201918141254331Jan30291396216Dec43229Nov282726211918131211876431Oct3028252322191630Sep53221Aug1615831Jul22211918171615121110842120Jun1918531May232216151463229Apr25241716151312111085428Mar27262522212012764128Feb272625222120191815141312765131Jan302825242322181716151122Dec2018151310765429Nov28272623222120151386531Octprotection for barrier factors below thresholdfixed T-matrix and F-vector calculations with Chew Mandelstam factorfixed Chew Mandelstam function by switching the sign of the real part for s=0added option to change projection index for T-matrix and K-matrix in the channel top config filemodified TMatrixGeneral to make it more user-friendlymodified procedure to add kMatrixProdSuffixes for individual kMatsadded msg for the hostname also for single channel fitsadded msg for the hostname; added option fot replacing paramerte in global config fileinclude option for adding suffixes for fit parameters related to the k-matrix p-vectorsome modifications in pdt-table and treating parameter dependenciesfew modifications in TMatrixGeneral and pdtNew.tableadded K1(1400) into the pdt tableadded option for interpolating scattering data piontsfew fixes for fits of phases with scattering datacorrected normalization for Argand units also in TMatrixGeneralAppcorrected normalization for Argand unitsadded fits with scattering data and relative phase V2added fits with scattering data and relative phasere-arranged pipi scattering toolsadded some usefule histograms in TMatrix appsfixed handling of parameter dependencies for coupled channel fitsadded protection against calculating scattering properties (T-, S-matrix) below thresholdsMigrated Jamroot, Event/Jamfile and SetEnv_rub to SL7. Old versions are still available and with suffix SL6 in the git repo!minor bug fix in TMatrixGeneral.ccsome modifications in calculating TMatrix dynamics; needed for Reid parametrizationbug fix in TMatrixDynamicsmodified/fixed calculation in TMatrixDynamicsadded parsing of K-Matrix parameters for TMatrixGeneralAppsome modifications in TMatrix dynamicspipi scattering mode now running in coupled channel modemodified fitServerMode method to get pipi scattering data running in coupled channel modesupported single channel fir for pipi scattering dataminor correction for calculating the ref 4 vec system of the mother ref system; needed for helicity formalismadded missing class EventReaderScatteringadded missing class TMatrixDynamicsadded missing class EvtDataScatteringListfirst implementation of reading and histogramming scattering dataMerge branch 'master' of to port Jamroot etc. to be used also with CLANG80/LLVM as an alternative compiler. Also fixed some minor issues according to C++ standard conformity that G++ usually ignores (due to 'language extensions').initial import of the base classes for analyzing pipi scattering data