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Commit d146d53a authored by Michael Leyhe's avatar Michael Leyhe
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JpsiGamEtaPiPiNew: Add event number calculation for each wave after pwa in pwa-mode

parent 5e8daa5a
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......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include <omp.h>
......@@ -70,249 +71,294 @@ void setErrLogMode( const JpsiGamEtaPiPiParser::enErrLogMode& erlMode ) {
int main(int __argc,char *__argv[]){
clock_t start, end;
start= clock();
// Parse the command line
static JpsiGamEtaPiPiParser theAppParams(__argc, __argv);
// Set the desired error logging mode
clock_t start, end;
start= clock();
// Parse the command line
static JpsiGamEtaPiPiParser theAppParams(__argc, __argv);
// Set the desired error logging mode
#ifdef _OPENMP
const int noOfThreads=theAppParams.noOfThreads();
const int noOfThreads=theAppParams.noOfThreads();
std::string theCfgFile = theAppParams.getConfigFile();
std::string jobOption = theAppParams.getjobOption();
const std::string datFile=theAppParams.dataFile();
const std::string mcFile=theAppParams.mcFile();
Info << "data file: " << datFile ; // << endmsg;
Info << "mc file: " << mcFile ; // << endmsg;
ParticleTable pTable;
PdtParser parser;
std::string theSourcePath=getenv("CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR");
std::string pdtFile(theSourcePath+"/Particle/pdt.table");
if (!parser.parse(pdtFile, pTable)) {
Alert << "Error: could not parse " << pdtFile ; // << endmsg;
std::pair<double, double> massRange = theAppParams.massRange();
Info << "Mass range: " << massRange.first << " " << massRange.second ;
std::vector<std::string> fileNames;
JpsiGamEtaPiPiReader eventReader(fileNames, 4, 0);
EventList eventsData;
eventReader.fillMassRange(eventsData, massRange );
if (!eventsData.findParticleTypes(pTable))
Warning << "could not find all particles" ; // << endmsg;
Info << "\nFile has " << eventsData.size() << " events. Each event has "
<< eventsData.nextEvent()->size() << " final state particles.\n" ; // << endmsg;
Event* anEvent;
int evtCount = 0;
while ((anEvent = eventsData.nextEvent()) != 0 && evtCount < 1) {
Info << "\n"
std::string theCfgFile = theAppParams.getConfigFile();
std::string jobOption = theAppParams.getjobOption();
const std::string datFile=theAppParams.dataFile();
const std::string mcFile=theAppParams.mcFile();
Info << "data file: " << datFile ; // << endmsg;
Info << "mc file: " << mcFile ; // << endmsg;
ParticleTable pTable;
PdtParser parser;
std::string theSourcePath=getenv("CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR");
std::string pdtFile(theSourcePath+"/Particle/pdt.table");
if (!parser.parse(pdtFile, pTable)) {
Alert << "Error: could not parse " << pdtFile ; // << endmsg;
std::pair<double, double> massRange = theAppParams.massRange();
Info << "Mass range: " << massRange.first << " " << massRange.second ;
std::vector<std::string> fileNames;
JpsiGamEtaPiPiReader eventReader(fileNames, 4, 0);
EventList eventsData;
eventReader.fillMassRange(eventsData, massRange );
if (!eventsData.findParticleTypes(pTable))
Warning << "could not find all particles" ; // << endmsg;
Info << "\nFile has " << eventsData.size() << " events. Each event has "
<< eventsData.nextEvent()->size() << " final state particles.\n" ; // << endmsg;
Event* anEvent;
int evtCount = 0;
while ((anEvent = eventsData.nextEvent()) != 0 && evtCount < 1) {
Info << "\n"
<< *(anEvent->p4(0)) << "\tm = " << anEvent->p4(0)->Mass() << "\n"
<< *(anEvent->p4(1)) << "\tm = " << anEvent->p4(1)->Mass() << "\n"
<< *(anEvent->p4(2)) << "\tm = " << anEvent->p4(2)->Mass() << "\n"
<< *(anEvent->p4(3)) << "\tm = " << anEvent->p4(3)->Mass() << "\n"
; // << endmsg;
std::vector<std::string> fileNamesMc;
JpsiGamEtaPiPiReader eventReaderMc(fileNamesMc, 4, 0);
EventList eventsMc;
eventReaderMc.fillMassRange(eventsMc, massRange);
; // << endmsg;
//calculate helicity angles, fill map with D-functions
boost::shared_ptr<const JpsiGamEtaPiPiEventListNew> theJpsiGamEtaPiPiEventListPtr(new JpsiGamEtaPiPiEventListNew(eventsData, eventsMc));
std::string mode=theAppParams.mode();
std::cout << "Mode: " << mode << std::endl;
if (mode=="plotmode"){
JpsiGamEtaPiPiHistNew theHist(theJpsiGamEtaPiPiEventListPtr,theAppParams.massRange());
theHist.setMassRange(theAppParams.massRange() );
return 0;
//retrieve hypotheses
boost::shared_ptr<JpsiGamEtaPiPiStates> jpsiGamEtaPiPiStatesPtr(new JpsiGamEtaPiPiStates());
const std::vector<std::string> hypVec=theAppParams.enabledHyps();
boost::shared_ptr<AbsLhNew> theLhPtr;
std::string startWithHyp=theAppParams.startHypo();
if (startWithHyp=="production"){
theLhPtr = boost::shared_ptr<AbsLhNew> (new JpsiGamEtaPiPiProdLhNew(theJpsiGamEtaPiPiEventListPtr, hypVec, jpsiGamEtaPiPiStatesPtr));
else {
Alert << "start with hypothesis " << startWithHyp << " not supported!!!!" ; // << endmsg;
boost::shared_ptr<FitParamsBaseNew> theFitParamBase=boost::shared_ptr<FitParamsBaseNew>(new FitParamsBaseNew());
if (mode=="dumpDefaultParams"){
fitParamsNew defaultVal;
fitParamsNew defaultErr;
theLhPtr->getDefaultParams(defaultVal, defaultErr);
std::string defaultparamsname = "defaultparams" + jobOption + ".dat";
std::ofstream theStreamDefault ( defaultparamsname.c_str() );
// std::ofstream theStreamDefault ( "defaultparams.dat");
theFitParamBase->dumpParams(theStreamDefault, defaultVal, defaultErr);
return 0;
std::string paramStreamerPath=theAppParams.fitParamFile();
StreamFitParmsBaseNew theParamStreamer(paramStreamerPath, theLhPtr);
fitParamsNew theStartparams=theParamStreamer.getFitParamVal();
fitParamsNew theErrorparams=theParamStreamer.getFitParamErr();
// if (mode=="qaMode"){
// std::ofstream theStreamTest ( "testparams.dat");
// theFitParamBase->dumpParams(theStreamTest, theStartparams, theErrorparams);
// return 0;
// }
if (mode=="qaMode"){
Info << "\nThe parameter values are: " << "\n" << endmsg;
Info << "\nThe parameter errors are: " << "\n" << endmsg;
double theLh=theLhPtr->calcLogLh(theStartparams);
Info <<"theLh = "<< theLh << endmsg;
// std::string errFile = "finalErrorMatrix.dat";
// FitParamErrorMatrixStreamer theErrStreamer( errFile );
// std::vector<double> theErrData;
// int ncols(0);
// theErrStreamer.matrixData( theErrData, ncols );
// FitParamErrorMatrix theErrorMatrix(theErrData, ncols );
JpsiGamEtaPiPiHistNew theHist(theLhPtr, theStartparams,theAppParams.massRange());
//theHist.setMassRange(theAppParams.massRange() );
// theHist.fill();
// if(theAppParams.massIndependentFit()){
// //calculate intensity contributions
// //std::ofstream theStream ( "componentIntensity.dat");
// //theProdLh->dumpComponentIntensity( theStream, theStartparams, theErrorMatrix );
// }
end= clock();
double cpuTime= (end-start)/ (CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
Info << "cpuTime:\t" << cpuTime << "\tsec" << endmsg;
return 0;
if (mode=="pwa"){
PwaFcnBaseNew theFcn(theLhPtr, theFitParamBase);
MnUserParameters upar;
theFitParamBase->setMnUsrParams(upar, theStartparams, theErrorparams);
std::cout << "\n\n**************** Minuit Fit parameter **************************" << std::endl;
for (int i=0; i<int(upar.Params().size()); ++i){
std::cout << upar.Name(i) << "\t" << upar.Value(i) << "\t" << upar.Error(i) << std::endl;
const std::vector<std::string> fixedParams=theAppParams.fixedParams();
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itFix;
for (itFix=fixedParams.begin(); itFix!=fixedParams.end(); ++itFix){
upar.Fix( (*itFix) );
// bool prescan=false;
// if(prescan){
// upar.Fix(0);
// MnScan theScan(theFcn, upar);
// FunctionMinimum smin = theScan();
// MnUserParameterState sState = smin.UserState();
// cout << "After scan" << endl;
// cout << sState << endl;
// upar = smin.UserParameters();
// upar.Release(0);
// }
MnMigrad migrad(theFcn, upar);
Info <<"start migrad "<< endmsg;
FunctionMinimum min = migrad();
if(!min.IsValid()) {
//try with higher strategy
Info <<"FM is invalid, try with strategy = 2."<< endmsg;
MnMigrad migrad2(theFcn, min.UserState(), MnStrategy(2));
min = migrad2();
MnUserParameters finalUsrParameters=min.UserParameters();
const std::vector<double> finalParamVec=finalUsrParameters.Params();
fitParamsNew finalFitParams=theStartparams;
theFitParamBase->getFitParamVal(finalParamVec, finalFitParams);
// //MnUserCovariance theCov = min.UserCovariance() ;
// //cout << "User vov : "<< endl;
// //cout << theCov << endl;
double theLh=theLhPtr->calcLogLh(finalFitParams);
Info <<"theLh = "<< theLh << endmsg;
const std::vector<double> finalParamErrorVec=finalUsrParameters.Errors();
fitParamsNew finalFitErrs=theErrorparams;
theFitParamBase->getFitParamVal(finalParamErrorVec, finalFitErrs);
std::string finalResultname = "finalResult" + jobOption + ".dat";
std::ofstream theStream ( finalResultname.c_str() );
//std::ofstream theStream ( "finalResult.dat");
theFitParamBase->dumpParams(theStream, finalFitParams, finalFitErrs);
MnUserCovariance theCovMatrix = min.UserCovariance();
std::cout << min << std::endl;
// //std::ofstream theCompStream ( "componentIntensity.dat");
// //theProdLh->dumpComponentIntensity( theCompStream, finalFitParams, theErrMatrix );
JpsiGamEtaPiPiHistNew theHist(theLhPtr, finalFitParams,theAppParams.massRange());
//theHist.setMassRange(theAppParams.massRange() );
// // theHist.fill();
end= clock();
double cpuTime= (end-start)/ (CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
Info << "cpuTime:\t" << cpuTime << "\tsec" << endmsg;
return 0;
std::vector<std::string> fileNamesMc;
JpsiGamEtaPiPiReader eventReaderMc(fileNamesMc, 4, 0);
EventList eventsMc;
eventReaderMc.fillMassRange(eventsMc, massRange);
//calculate helicity angles, fill map with D-functions
boost::shared_ptr<const JpsiGamEtaPiPiEventListNew> theJpsiGamEtaPiPiEventListPtr(new JpsiGamEtaPiPiEventListNew(eventsData, eventsMc));
std::string mode=theAppParams.mode();
std::cout << "Mode: " << mode << std::endl;
if (mode=="plotmode"){
JpsiGamEtaPiPiHistNew theHist(theJpsiGamEtaPiPiEventListPtr,theAppParams.massRange());
theHist.setMassRange(theAppParams.massRange() );
return 0;
//retrieve hypotheses
boost::shared_ptr<JpsiGamEtaPiPiStates> jpsiGamEtaPiPiStatesPtr(new JpsiGamEtaPiPiStates());
const std::vector<std::string> hypVec=theAppParams.enabledHyps();
boost::shared_ptr<AbsLhNew> theLhPtr;
std::string startWithHyp=theAppParams.startHypo();
if (startWithHyp=="production"){
theLhPtr = boost::shared_ptr<AbsLhNew> (new JpsiGamEtaPiPiProdLhNew(theJpsiGamEtaPiPiEventListPtr, hypVec, jpsiGamEtaPiPiStatesPtr));
else {
Alert << "start with hypothesis " << startWithHyp << " not supported!!!!" ; // << endmsg;
boost::shared_ptr<FitParamsBaseNew> theFitParamBase=boost::shared_ptr<FitParamsBaseNew>(new FitParamsBaseNew());
if (mode=="dumpDefaultParams"){
fitParamsNew defaultVal;
fitParamsNew defaultErr;
theLhPtr->getDefaultParams(defaultVal, defaultErr);
std::string defaultparamsname = "defaultparams" + jobOption + ".dat";
std::ofstream theStreamDefault ( defaultparamsname.c_str() );
// std::ofstream theStreamDefault ( "defaultparams.dat");
theFitParamBase->dumpParams(theStreamDefault, defaultVal, defaultErr);
return 0;
std::string paramStreamerPath=theAppParams.fitParamFile();
StreamFitParmsBaseNew theParamStreamer(paramStreamerPath, theLhPtr);
fitParamsNew theStartparams=theParamStreamer.getFitParamVal();
fitParamsNew theErrorparams=theParamStreamer.getFitParamErr();
// if (mode=="qaMode"){
// std::ofstream theStreamTest ( "testparams.dat");
// theFitParamBase->dumpParams(theStreamTest, theStartparams, theErrorparams);
// return 0;
// }
if (mode=="qaMode"){
Info << "\nThe parameter values are: " << "\n" << endmsg;
Info << "\nThe parameter errors are: " << "\n" << endmsg;
double theLh=theLhPtr->calcLogLh(theStartparams);
Info <<"theLh = "<< theLh << endmsg;
// std::string errFile = "finalErrorMatrix.dat";
// FitParamErrorMatrixStreamer theErrStreamer( errFile );
// std::vector<double> theErrData;
// int ncols(0);
// theErrStreamer.matrixData( theErrData, ncols );
// FitParamErrorMatrix theErrorMatrix(theErrData, ncols );
JpsiGamEtaPiPiHistNew theHist(theLhPtr, theStartparams,theAppParams.massRange());
//theHist.setMassRange(theAppParams.massRange() );
// theHist.fill();
// if(theAppParams.massIndependentFit()){
// //calculate intensity contributions
// //std::ofstream theStream ( "componentIntensity.dat");
// //theProdLh->dumpComponentIntensity( theStream, theStartparams, theErrorMatrix );
// }
end= clock();
double cpuTime= (end-start)/ (CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
Info << "cpuTime:\t" << cpuTime << "\tsec" << endmsg;
return 0;
if (mode=="pwa"){
PwaFcnBaseNew theFcn(theLhPtr, theFitParamBase);
MnUserParameters upar;
theFitParamBase->setMnUsrParams(upar, theStartparams, theErrorparams);
std::cout << "\n\n**************** Minuit Fit parameter **************************" << std::endl;
for (int i=0; i<int(upar.Params().size()); ++i){
std::cout << upar.Name(i) << "\t" << upar.Value(i) << "\t" << upar.Error(i) << std::endl;
const std::vector<std::string> fixedParams=theAppParams.fixedParams();
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itFix;
for (itFix=fixedParams.begin(); itFix!=fixedParams.end(); ++itFix){
upar.Fix( (*itFix) );
// bool prescan=false;
// if(prescan){
// upar.Fix(0);
// MnScan theScan(theFcn, upar);
// FunctionMinimum smin = theScan();
// MnUserParameterState sState = smin.UserState();
// cout << "After scan" << endl;
// cout << sState << endl;
// upar = smin.UserParameters();
// upar.Release(0);
// }
MnMigrad migrad(theFcn, upar);
Info <<"start migrad "<< endmsg;
FunctionMinimum min = migrad();
if(!min.IsValid()) {
//try with higher strategy
Info <<"FM is invalid, try with strategy = 2."<< endmsg;
MnMigrad migrad2(theFcn, min.UserState(), MnStrategy(2));
min = migrad2();
MnUserParameters finalUsrParameters=min.UserParameters();
const std::vector<double> finalParamVec=finalUsrParameters.Params();
fitParamsNew finalFitParams=theStartparams;
theFitParamBase->getFitParamVal(finalParamVec, finalFitParams);
// //MnUserCovariance theCov = min.UserCovariance() ;
// //cout << "User vov : "<< endl;
// //cout << theCov << endl;
double theLh=theLhPtr->calcLogLh(finalFitParams);
Info <<"theLh = "<< theLh << endmsg;
const std::vector<double> finalParamErrorVec=finalUsrParameters.Errors();
fitParamsNew finalFitErrs=theErrorparams;
theFitParamBase->getFitParamVal(finalParamErrorVec, finalFitErrs);
std::string finalResultname = "finalResult" + jobOption + ".dat";
std::ofstream theStream ( finalResultname.c_str() );
//std::ofstream theStream ( "finalResult.dat");
theFitParamBase->dumpParams(theStream, finalFitParams, finalFitErrs);
MnUserCovariance theCovMatrix = min.UserCovariance();
std::cout << min << std::endl;
// //std::ofstream theCompStream ( "componentIntensity.dat");
// //theProdLh->dumpComponentIntensity( theCompStream, finalFitParams, theErrMatrix );
JpsiGamEtaPiPiHistNew theHist(theLhPtr, finalFitParams,theAppParams.massRange());
//theHist.setMassRange(theAppParams.massRange() );
// // theHist.fill();
end= clock();
double cpuTime= (end-start)/ (CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
Info << "cpuTime:\t" << cpuTime << "\tsec" << endmsg;
std::cout << "Start event number calculation for each wave" << std::endl;
std::vector<std::string> hypVec_test=theAppParams.enabledHyps();
fitParamsNew finalFitParams_test=finalFitParams;
std::vector<std::string>::iterator it;
int hypnumber=0;
for (it=hypVec_test.begin(); it!=hypVec_test.end();++it){
//std::cout << "hypothesis\t" << (*it) << "\t enabled\n";
if ((*it).find("Gamma")==0) hypnumber++;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of hypothesis found: " << hypnumber << std::endl;
int j;
for (int i=1;i<=hypnumber;i++){
for (it=hypVec_test.begin(); it!=hypVec_test.end();++it){
// Mark bad hypothesis
if ((*it).find("Gamma")==0 && i!=j) {
(*it).insert(0, "#");
return 0;
else{ if ((*it).find("Gamma")==0) j++; }
std::cout << "Start calulation with following hypothesis:" << std::endl;
if (startWithHyp=="production"){
theLhPtr = boost::shared_ptr<AbsLhNew> (new JpsiGamEtaPiPiProdLhNew(theJpsiGamEtaPiPiEventListPtr, hypVec_test, jpsiGamEtaPiPiStatesPtr));
else {
Alert << "start with hypothesis " << startWithHyp << " not supported!!!!" ; // << endmsg;
double theLh=theLhPtr->calcLogLh(finalFitParams_test);
Info <<"theLh = "<< theLh << endmsg;
JpsiGamEtaPiPiHistNew theHist(theLhPtr, finalFitParams_test ,theAppParams.massRange());
// Unmark bad hypothesis
for (it=hypVec_test.begin(); it!=hypVec_test.end();++it){
if ((*it).find("#")==0) (*it).erase(0,1);
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
return 0;
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