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// Standard header files go here
#include "Examples/pbarpToOmegaPiLS/GOmegaPiIndividualLS.hh"
namespace Gem
namespace Pawian
* A constructor that initializes the object with a likelihood calculator
* @param theLh The likelihood calculator
GOmegaPiIndividualLS::GOmegaPiIndividualLS(boost::shared_ptr<AbsOmegaPiLhLS> theLh)
: GParameterSet()
,_omegaPiLhPtr( theLh->clone_() )
// Set up a GConstrainedDoubleObjectCollection
boost::shared_ptr<Gem::Geneva::GConstrainedDoubleObjectCollection> gbdc_ptr(new Gem::Geneva::GConstrainedDoubleObjectCollection());
_omegaPiLhPtr->setGenevaFitParamVal( gbdc_ptr );
for(std::size_t i=0; i<gbdc_ptr->size(); i++) {
// Create a suitable adaptor (sigma=0.1, sigma-adaption=0.5, min sigma=0, max sigma=0,5)
boost::shared_ptr<Gem::Geneva::GDoubleGaussAdaptor> gdga_ptr(new Gem::Geneva::GDoubleGaussAdaptor(0.1, 0.5, 0., 0.5));
gdga_ptr->setAdaptionThreshold(1); // Adaption parameters are modified after each adaption
gdga_ptr->setAdaptionProbability(0.2); // The likelihood for a parameter to be adapted
// Register the adaptor with GConstrainedDoubleObject objects
// Add the collection to this object
* A standard copy constructor
* @param cp A copy of another GOmegaPiIndividualLS
GOmegaPiIndividualLS::GOmegaPiIndividualLS(const GOmegaPiIndividualLS& cp)
: GParameterSet(cp)
, _omegaPiLhPtr( cp._omegaPiLhPtr?boost::shared_ptr<AbsOmegaPiLhLS>((cp._omegaPiLhPtr)->clone_()):boost::shared_ptr<AbsOmegaPiLhLS>() )
{ /* nothing */ }
* The standard destructor
{ /* nothing */ }
* Loads user-specified data
void GOmegaPiIndividualLS::loadConstantData(boost::shared_ptr<GObject> cD_ptr) {
// Convert GObject smart pointer to local format
boost::shared_ptr<GOmegaPiIndividualLS> p_load = GObject::conversion_cast<GOmegaPiIndividualLS>(cD_ptr);
// Load the static data from the data model
if(p_load->omegaPiLhPtr()) {
_omegaPiLhPtr = boost::shared_ptr<AbsOmegaPiLhLS>(p_load->omegaPiLhPtr()->clone_());
boost::shared_ptr<AbsOmegaPiLhLS> GOmegaPiIndividualLS::omegaPiLhPtr() const {
return _omegaPiLhPtr;
* A standard assignment operator
* @param cp A copy of another GOmegaPiIndividualLS object
* @return A constant reference to this object
const GOmegaPiIndividualLS& GOmegaPiIndividualLS::operator=(const GOmegaPiIndividualLS& cp) {
return *this;
* Retrieval of fit parameters
bool GOmegaPiIndividualLS::getFitParams(OmegaPiDataLS::fitParamVal& fitParmVal) {
std::vector<double> theParms;
// Extract the GDoubleCollection object. In a realistic scenario, you might want
// to add error checks here upon first invocation.
boost::shared_ptr<Gem::Geneva::GConstrainedDoubleObjectCollection> vC = at<Gem::Geneva::GConstrainedDoubleObjectCollection>(0);
std::vector<double> par;
for(std::size_t i=0; i<vC->size(); i++){
double value = vC->at(i)->value();
_omegaPiLhPtr->getFitParamVal(fitParmVal, par);
return true;
* Printing of fit-parameters
void GOmegaPiIndividualLS::printFitParams(OmegaPiDataLS::fitParamVal& fitParmVal) {
_omegaPiLhPtr->printFitParams(std::cout, fitParmVal);
std::cout << std::endl;
* Loads the data of another GOmegaPiIndividualLS, camouflaged as a GObject.
* @param cp A copy of another GOmegaPiIndividualLS, camouflaged as a GObject
void GOmegaPiIndividualLS::load_(const Gem::Geneva::GObject* cp)
// Check that we are not accidently assigning this object to itself
// Load our parent's data
// Note: We do not need to load _omegaPiLhPtr here, as it has been initialized during
// the construction of this object already.
* Creates a deep clone of this object
* @return A deep clone of this object, camouflaged as a GObject
Gem::Geneva::GObject* GOmegaPiIndividualLS::clone_() const {
return new GOmegaPiIndividualLS(*this);
* The actual fitness calculation takes place here.
* @return The value of this object
double GOmegaPiIndividualLS::fitnessCalculation(){
double result = 0.;
OmegaPiDataLS::fitParamVal theFitParmValTmp;
bool fitParamsSet=getFitParams(theFitParmValTmp);
if (!fitParamsSet){
std::cout << "fit parameters could not set properly " << std::endl;
// std::cout << "**** current fit params ***** " << std::endl;
// printFitParams(theFitParmValTmp);
// std::cout << std::endl;
return result;
* The default constructor. Intentionally private and empty, as it is only needed for
* serialization purposes.
GOmegaPiIndividualLS::GOmegaPiIndividualLS() :GParameterSet()
{ /* nothing */ }
} /* namespace Pawian */
} /* namespace Gem */