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serializationTestApp.C 14.86 KiB
// In this example we serialize an object and construct another from
// the XML representation. We do this twice, once directly through the
// derived class and once through an abstract base class.
// Compile with a command similar to
// g++ -o serializationDemo -I /opt/boost143/include/ -L /opt/boost143/lib/ -lboost_serialization -lboost_system serializationDemo.C
// Author: Ruediger Berlich
// Standard headers
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
// Boost headers required for serialization
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/xml_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/xml_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/base_object.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/tracking.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/split_member.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/export.hpp>
// PWA test includes
//#include "Examples/MATpbarpToOmegaPi/serSpin.hh"
#include "PwaUtils/pbarpStates.hh"
#include "Examples/MATpbarpToOmegaPi/pbarpToOmegaPi0States.hh"
#include "Examples/MATpbarpToOmegaPi/GOmegaPiIndividual.hh"
#include "Examples/MATpbarpToOmegaPi/OmegaPiEventList.hh"
#include "Examples/EtacToapi0Fit/EtacToapi0Lh.hh"
//#include "Examples/MATpbarpToOmegaPi/OmegaPiHist.hh"
#include "Examples/MATpbarpToOmegaPi/OmegaPiData.hh"
//#include "Setup/PwaEnv.hh"
#include "Particle/ParticleTable.hh"
#include "Particle/Particle.hh"
#include "Event/EventList.hh"
#include "Event/Event.hh"
#include "Event/CBElsaReader.hh"
#include "Particle/PdtParser.hh"
#include "ErrLogger/ErrLogger.hh"
using namespace Gem::GenEvA;
class serializationBaseClass
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int) {
using boost::serialization::make_nvp;
// Trigger serialization of the local data
{ /* nothing */ }
serializationBaseClass(int testVar): testVar_(testVar)
{ /* nothing */ }
virtual ~serializationBaseClass()
{ /* nothing */ }
int getSecret() const { return testVar_; }
// The base class is purely virtual so it cannot be instantiated
virtual void ImPurelyVirtual() = 0;
int testVar_;
// Let the Boost serialization library know that this class is abstract / purely virtual
class serializationClass
:public serializationBaseClass
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int) {
using boost::serialization::make_nvp;
// Make sure the base class (and its data) gets serialized
ar & make_nvp("serializationBaseClass", boost::serialization::base_object<serializationBaseClass>(*this));
{ /* nothing */ }
serializationClass(int testVar) : serializationBaseClass(testVar)
{ /* nothing */ }
virtual ~serializationClass()
{ /* nothing */ }
// Make sure we can instantiate this class -- need to re-implement the
// purely virtual function of the base class.
virtual void ImPurelyVirtual() { /* nothing */ }
// Register this class with the boost serialization library.
// Note: This macro and the associated header would usually reside in
// the implementation file (.cpp), not in the header file.
#include <boost/serialization/export.hpp>
int main() {
// The objects that should be (de-)serialized
boost::shared_ptr<serializationClass> p_derived(new serializationClass(123));
boost::shared_ptr<serializationBaseClass> p_base(new serializationClass(456));
// Will hold reconstructed objects. Here these pointers are empty
boost::shared_ptr<serializationClass> p_derived_reconstructed;
boost::shared_ptr<serializationBaseClass> p_base_reconstructed;
// The PWA-objects that should be (de-)serialized and changed inbetween
// boost::shared_ptr<serSpin> mySpin_init(new serSpin());
// boost::shared_ptr<serSpin> mySpin_reco1;
// boost::shared_ptr<serSpin> mySpin_reco2;
// boost::shared_ptr<pbarpStates> myStates_init(new pbarpStates(2));
// boost::shared_ptr<pbarpStates> myStates_reco1;
// boost::shared_ptr<pbarpStates> myStates_reco2;
// boost::shared_ptr<pbarpToOmegaPi0States> myOmStates_init(new pbarpToOmegaPi0States(myStates_init));
// boost::shared_ptr<pbarpToOmegaPi0States> myOmStates_reco1;
// boost::shared_ptr<pbarpToOmegaPi0States> myOmStates_reco2;
//OmegaPiEvent List / GOmegaPiIndividual
std::string theSourcePath=getenv("CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR");
std::string piomegaDatFile;
std::string piomegaMcFile;
ParticleTable pTable;
PdtParser parser;
std::string pdtFile(theSourcePath+"/Particle/pdt.table");
if (!parser.parse(pdtFile, pTable)) {
Alert << "Error: could not parse " << pdtFile << endmsg;
std::vector<std::string> fileNames;
CBElsaReader eventReader(fileNames, 3, 0);
EventList piOmegaEventsData;
if (!piOmegaEventsData.findParticleTypes(pTable))
Warning << "could not find all particles" << endmsg;
Info << "\nFile has " << piOmegaEventsData.size() << " events. Each event has "
<< piOmegaEventsData.nextEvent()->size() << " final state particles.\n" << endmsg;
Event* anEvent;
int evtCount = 0;
while ((anEvent = piOmegaEventsData.nextEvent()) != 0 && evtCount < 20) {
Info << "\n"
<< *(anEvent->p4(0)) << "\tm = " << anEvent->p4(0)->Mass() << "\n"
<< *(anEvent->p4(1)) << "\tm = " << anEvent->p4(1)->Mass() << "\n"
<< *(anEvent->p4(2)) << "\tm = " << anEvent->p4(2)->Mass() << "\n"
<< endmsg;
std::vector<std::string> fileNamesMc;
CBElsaReader eventReaderMc(fileNamesMc, 3, 0);
EventList piOmegaEventsMc;
boost::shared_ptr<pbarpStates> pbarpStatesPtr(new pbarpStates(1));
//boost::shared_ptr<pbarpToOmegaPi0States> pbarpToOmegaPi0StatesPtr(new pbarpToOmegaPi0States(pbarpStatesPtr));
boost::shared_ptr<pbarpToOmegaPi0States> pbarpToOmegaPi0StatesPtr = pbarpToOmegaPi0States::getStates(pbarpStatesPtr);
//boost::shared_ptr<const OmegaPiEventList> theOmegaPiEventPtr(new OmegaPiEventList(piOmegaEventsData, piOmegaEventsMc, 1, 600));
boost::shared_ptr<OmegaPiEventList> theOmegaPiEventPtr = OmegaPiEventList::getList(piOmegaEventsData, piOmegaEventsMc, 1, 600);
//theOmegaPiEventPtr->initList(piOmegaEventsData, piOmegaEventsMc, 1, 600);
//boost::shared_ptr<const OmegaPiEventList> theOmegaPiEventPtr_reco1;
// boost::shared_ptr<const OmegaPiEventList> theOmegaPiEventPtr_reco2;
boost::shared_ptr<GOmegaPiIndividual> gdii_ptr_init(new GOmegaPiIndividual(pbarpToOmegaPi0StatesPtr));
boost::shared_ptr<GOmegaPiIndividual> gdii_ptr_reco1;
boost::shared_ptr<GOmegaPiIndividual> gdii_ptr_reco2;
std::ostringstream oarchive_stream_pwa1;
// Serialization (through boost::shared_ptr)
boost::archive::xml_oarchive oa(oarchive_stream_pwa1);
oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp("mySpin", gdii_ptr_init);
} // Explicit scope necessary -- makes sure oa's destructor is called
// Here is the serialized data
std::string spin_init_ser = oarchive_stream_pwa1.str();
// We now have an XML representation of the object. Print it out just to look at it
std::cout << "=============================================================" << std::endl
<< "Class representation, when serializing initial OmegaPiEventList class:" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< spin_init_ser << std::endl;
// Feed the data into an istringstream object
std::istringstream iarchive_stream_pwa1(spin_init_ser);
// De-Serialization
boost::archive::xml_iarchive ia(iarchive_stream_pwa1);
ia >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("mySpin", gdii_ptr_reco1);
} // note: explicit scope here is essential so the ia-destructor gets called
//make changes (pretend being network client)
//boost::shared_ptr<pbarpStates> pbarpStatesPtr_new(new pbarpStates(1));
//boost::shared_ptr<const pbarpToOmegaPi0States> pbarpToOmegaPi0StatesPtr_new(new pbarpToOmegaPi0States(pbarpStatesPtr_new));
//boost::shared_ptr<const OmegaPiEventList> theOmegaPiEventPtr_new(new OmegaPiEventList(piOmegaEventsData, piOmegaEventsMc, 2, 600));
boost::shared_ptr<OmegaPiEventList> theOmegaPiEventPtr_new = OmegaPiEventList::getList();
//theOmegaPiEventPtr_new->initList(piOmegaEventsData, piOmegaEventsMc, 2, 600);
boost::shared_ptr<GOmegaPiIndividual> gdii_ptr_new(new GOmegaPiIndividual(pbarpToOmegaPi0StatesPtr));
std::ostringstream oarchive_stream_pwa2;
// Serialization (through boost::shared_ptr)
boost::archive::xml_oarchive oa(oarchive_stream_pwa2);
oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp("mySpin", gdii_ptr_reco1);
} // Explicit scope necessary -- makes sure oa's destructor is called
// Here is the serialized data
std::string spin_changed_ser = oarchive_stream_pwa2.str();
// We now have an XML representation of the object. Print it out just to look at it
std::cout << "=============================================================" << std::endl
<< "Class representation, when serializing changed OmegaPiEventList class:" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< spin_changed_ser << std::endl;
// Feed the data into an istringstream object
std::istringstream iarchive_stream_pwa2(spin_changed_ser);
// De-Serialization through derived object
boost::archive::xml_iarchive ia(iarchive_stream_pwa2);
ia >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("mySpin", gdii_ptr_reco2);
} // note: explicit scope here is essential so the ia-destructor gets called
// Print testVar_ of original and reconstructed class
OmegaPiData::fitParamVal myFitParmVal;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " Init: " << gdii_ptr_init->getFitParams(myFitParmVal) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << " Reco1: " << gdii_ptr_reco1->getFitParams(myFitParmVal) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << " Reco2: " << gdii_ptr_reco2->getFitParams(myFitParmVal) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::ostringstream oarchive_stream_derived;
// Serialization through derived class (through boost::shared_ptr)
boost::archive::xml_oarchive oa(oarchive_stream_derived);
oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp("classHierarchyFromDerived", p_derived);
} // Explicit scope necessary -- makes sure oa's destructor is called
// Here is the serialized data
std::string derived_class_serialized = oarchive_stream_derived.str();
// We now have an XML representation of the object. Print it out just to look at it
std::cout << "=============================================================" << std::endl
<< "Class representation, when serializing the derived class:" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< derived_class_serialized << std::endl;
// Feed the data into an istringstream object
std::istringstream iarchive_stream_derived(derived_class_serialized);
// De-Serialization through derived object
boost::archive::xml_iarchive ia(iarchive_stream_derived);
ia >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("classHierarchyFromDerived", p_derived_reconstructed);
} // note: explicit scope here is essential so the ia-destructor gets called
// Print testVar_ of original and reconstructed class
std::cout << std::endl
<< "Before: " << p_derived->getSecret() << " After: " << p_derived_reconstructed->getSecret() << std::endl;
std::ostringstream oarchive_stream_base;
// Serialization through a base pointer to purely abstract class
boost::archive::xml_oarchive oa(oarchive_stream_base);
oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp("classHierarchyFromBasePointer", p_base);
} // Explicit scope necessary -- makes sure oa's destructor is called
// Here is the serialized data
std::string base_class_serialized = oarchive_stream_base.str();
// We now have an XML representation of the object. Print it out just to look at it
std::cout << "=============================================================" << std::endl
<< "Class representation, when serialized through a base pointer" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< base_class_serialized << std::endl;
// Feed the data in the istringstream
std::istringstream iarchive_stream_base(base_class_serialized);
// De-Serialization through a base pointer
boost::archive::xml_iarchive ia(iarchive_stream_base);
ia >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("classHierarchyFromBasePointer", p_base_reconstructed);
} // note: explicit scope here is essential so the ia-destructor gets called
// Print testVar_ of original and reconstructed class
std::cout << std::endl
<< "Before: " << p_base->getSecret() << " After: " << p_base_reconstructed->getSecret() << std::endl;
// Destructor's correct?
// while(true) {
// boost::shared_ptr<pbarpStates> pbarpStatesPtr_test(new pbarpStates(2));
// boost::shared_ptr<const pbarpToOmegaPi0States> pbarpToOmegaPi0StatesPtr_test(new pbarpToOmegaPi0States(pbarpStatesPtr_test));
// boost::shared_ptr<const OmegaPiEventList> theOmegaPiEventPtr_test(new OmegaPiEventList(piOmegaEventsData, piOmegaEventsMc, 2, 600));
// boost::shared_ptr<GOmegaPiIndividual> gdii_ptr_test(new GOmegaPiIndividual(theOmegaPiEventPtr_test, pbarpToOmegaPi0StatesPtr_test));
// }