Something went wrong on our end
Matthias Steinke authored82d8d772
ErrStdLog.hh 1.57 KiB
// Description:
// Class ErrStdLog :
// Standard implementation of ErrLog. This implementation
// allows a user to set the severity of messages sent to the
// output streams, but the streams are cout and cerr.
// Author List:
// Scott Metzler (addition of ErrStream)
// $Id: ErrStdLog.hh,v 2005/03/29 17:04:19 steinke Exp $
// Environment:
// This software was developed for the BaBar collaboration. If you
// use all or part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgement.
// Copyright Information:
// Copyright (C) 1998, 2002 California Institute of Technology
#include "ErrLogger/ErrLog.hh"
class ErrStream; // declare
class ErrStdLog : public ErrLog {
// constructor
ErrStdLog( Severity theSeverity=warning );
// constructor
ErrStdLog( std::ostream & theStream, Severity theSeverity=warning );
// destructor
virtual ~ErrStdLog();
// data members for the default implementation
ErrStream * _myStreamCout;
ErrStream * _myStreamCerr;
ErrStream * _myDevnull;
virtual ErrStream& doMsg( ErrLog::Severity severity,
const char* facility,
int code );
virtual void doEndmsg( const char* text, ErrStream& stream );
// dis-allow copy construction and assignment
ErrStdLog( const ErrStdLog& );
ErrStdLog& operator=( const ErrStdLog& );