Something went wrong on our end
Bertram Kopf authoredc0b96380
EvtComplex.hh 5.49 KiB
// Environment:
// This software is part of the EvtGen package developed jointly
// for the BaBar and CLEO collaborations. If you use all or part
// of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgement.
// Copyright Information: See EvtGen/COPYRIGHT
// Copyright (C) 1998 Caltech, UCSB
// Module: EvtGen/EvtVector4R.hh
// Description: Class to describe complex numbers
// Modification history:
// RYD December 5, 1998 Created
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include "PspGen/EvtConst.hh"
class EvtComplex {
inline friend EvtComplex operator*(double d,const EvtComplex& c);
inline friend EvtComplex operator*(const EvtComplex& c,double d);
inline friend EvtComplex operator/(const EvtComplex& c,double d);
inline friend EvtComplex operator/(double d,const EvtComplex& c);
inline friend EvtComplex operator*(const EvtComplex& c1,const EvtComplex& c2);
inline friend EvtComplex operator/(const EvtComplex& c1,const EvtComplex& c2);
inline friend EvtComplex operator+(const EvtComplex& c1,const EvtComplex& c2);
inline friend EvtComplex operator-(const EvtComplex& c1,const EvtComplex& c2);
inline friend EvtComplex operator-(const EvtComplex& c);
inline friend EvtComplex conj(const EvtComplex& c);
inline friend double abs(const EvtComplex& c);
inline friend double abs2(const EvtComplex& c);
inline friend double arg(const EvtComplex& c);
inline friend double real(const EvtComplex& c);
inline friend double imag(const EvtComplex& c);
inline friend EvtComplex exp(const EvtComplex& c);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const EvtComplex& c);
EvtComplex(double rpart,double ipart=0.0):_rpart(rpart),_ipart(ipart){}
EvtComplex(const EvtComplex& c):_rpart(c._rpart),_ipart(c._ipart){}
inline EvtComplex& operator*=(double d);
inline EvtComplex& operator/=(double d);
EvtComplex& operator*=(EvtComplex c);
EvtComplex& operator/=(EvtComplex c);
inline EvtComplex& operator=(const EvtComplex& c);
inline EvtComplex& operator+=(const EvtComplex& c);
inline EvtComplex& operator-=(const EvtComplex& c);
inline EvtComplex& operator+=(double d);
inline EvtComplex& operator-=(double d);
inline int operator==(const EvtComplex c);
inline int operator!=(const EvtComplex c);
double _rpart,_ipart;
typedef EvtComplex* EvtComplexPtr;
typedef EvtComplexPtr* EvtComplexPtrPtr;
typedef EvtComplexPtrPtr* EvtComplexPtrPtrPtr;
EvtComplex& EvtComplex::operator=(const EvtComplex& c) {
return *this;
EvtComplex& EvtComplex::operator+=(const EvtComplex& c) {
return *this;
EvtComplex& EvtComplex::operator-=(const EvtComplex& c) {
return *this;
EvtComplex& EvtComplex::operator+=(double d) {
return *this;
EvtComplex& EvtComplex::operator-=(double d) {
return *this;
EvtComplex operator*(double d,const EvtComplex& c) {
return EvtComplex(c._rpart*d,c._ipart*d);
EvtComplex operator*(const EvtComplex& c, double d) {
return EvtComplex(c._rpart*d,c._ipart*d);
EvtComplex operator/(const EvtComplex& c,double d) {
return EvtComplex(c._rpart/d,c._ipart/d);
EvtComplex& EvtComplex::operator*=(double d) {
return *this;
EvtComplex& EvtComplex::operator/=(double d) {
return *this;
EvtComplex operator/(double d,const EvtComplex& c) {
double Num=d/(c._rpart*c._rpart+c._ipart*c._ipart);
return EvtComplex( Num*c._rpart, -Num*c._ipart );
EvtComplex operator/(const EvtComplex& c1,const EvtComplex& c2) {
double inv=1.0/(c2._rpart*c2._rpart+c2._ipart*c2._ipart);
return EvtComplex(inv*(c1._rpart*c2._rpart+c1._ipart*c2._ipart),
EvtComplex operator*(const EvtComplex& c1,const EvtComplex& c2) {
return EvtComplex(c1._rpart*c2._rpart-c1._ipart*c2._ipart,
EvtComplex operator-(const EvtComplex& c1,const EvtComplex& c2) {
return EvtComplex(c1._rpart-c2._rpart,c1._ipart-c2._ipart);
EvtComplex operator+(const EvtComplex& c1,const EvtComplex& c2) {
return EvtComplex(c1._rpart+c2._rpart,c1._ipart+c2._ipart);
int EvtComplex::operator==(const EvtComplex c) {
return _rpart==c._rpart&&_ipart==c._ipart;
int EvtComplex::operator!=(const EvtComplex c) {
return _rpart!=c._rpart||_ipart!=c._ipart;
EvtComplex operator-(const EvtComplex& c) {
return EvtComplex(-c._rpart,-c._ipart);
EvtComplex conj(const EvtComplex& c) {
return EvtComplex(c._rpart,-c._ipart);
double abs(const EvtComplex& c) {
double c2=c._rpart*c._rpart+c._ipart*c._ipart;
if (c2<=0.0) return 0.0;
return sqrt(c2);
double abs2(const EvtComplex& c) {
return c._rpart*c._rpart+c._ipart*c._ipart;
double arg(const EvtComplex& c){
if ((c._rpart==0)&&(c._ipart==0)) {
return 0.0;
if (c._rpart==0) {
if (c._ipart>0) {
return EvtConst::pi/2;
} else {
return -EvtConst::pi/2;
} else {
return atan2(c._ipart,c._rpart);
double real(const EvtComplex& c) {
return c._rpart;
double imag(const EvtComplex& c) {
return c._ipart;
EvtComplex exp(const EvtComplex& c) {
return exp(c._rpart)*EvtComplex(cos(c._ipart),sin(c._ipart));