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AbsDecay.hh 5.79 KiB
//									  //
//  Copyright 2013 Bertram Kopf (			  //
//  	      	   Julian Pychy (			  //
//          	   - Ruhr-Universität Bochum 				  //
//									  //
//  This file is part of Pawian.					  //
//									  //
//  Pawian is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify	  //
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  //
//  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 	  //
//  (at your option) any later version.	 	      	  	   	  //
//									  //
//  Pawian is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,		  //
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of	  //
//  GNU General Public License for more details.	      		  //
//									  //
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     //
//  along with Pawian.  If not, see <>.	  //
//									  //

// AbsDecay class definition file. -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright 2012 Bertram Kopf

#pragma once

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <memory>

#include "PwaUtils/DataUtils.hh"
#include "PwaUtils/AbsChannelEnv.hh"
#include "Utils/PawianCollectionUtils.hh"

class Particle;
class EvtData;
class AbsDynamics;

class AbsDecay : public std::enable_shared_from_this<AbsDecay>{

  AbsDecay(Particle* mother, Particle* daughter1, Particle* daughter2, ChannelID channelId);
  AbsDecay(std::shared_ptr<const IGJPC> motherIGJPCPtr, Particle* daughter1, Particle* daughter2, std::string motherName, ChannelID channelId);
  virtual ~AbsDecay();
  //  virtual AbsDecay* clone_() const = 0;
  virtual const std::string name() const {return _name;}
  const std::string wignerDKey() {return _wignerDKey;}
  virtual std::string fitParSuffix() const {return _fitParamSuffix;}
  void setFitParSuffix(std::string& suffix) {_fitParamSuffix = suffix;}
  virtual std::string& massParKey() {return _massParamKey;}
  void setMassParKey(const std::string& newKey) {_massParamKey = newKey;}
  void setPreFactor(double thePreFactor) {_preFactor=thePreFactor;}
  double preFactor() {return _preFactor;}
  std::shared_ptr<const jpcRes> motherJPC(){ return _motherJPCPtr;}
  std::shared_ptr<const IGJPC> motherIGJPC(){ return _motherIGJPCPtr;}
  //  std::vector< std::shared_ptr<const JPCLS> > JPCLSAmps(){ return _JPCLSDecAmps;}
  std::shared_ptr<AbsDecay> decDaughter1() {return _absDecDaughter1;}
  std::shared_ptr<AbsDecay> decDaughter2() {return _absDecDaughter2;}
  bool hasMother() {return _hasMotherPart;}
  bool isDaughter1Stable() {return _daughter1IsStable;}
  bool isDaughter2Stable() {return _daughter2IsStable;}

  std::vector<Particle*> finalStateParticles() {return _finalStateParticles;}
  std::vector<Particle*> finalStateParticlesDaughter2() {return _finalStateParticlesDaughter2;}
  virtual void fillWignerDs(std::map<std::string , Vector4<double> >& fsMap, Vector4<double>& prodParticle4Vec, EvtData* evtData);
  void enableDynamics(std::string& dynString, std::vector<std::string>& additionalStringVec);
  std::shared_ptr<AbsDynamics> getDynamics(){return _absDynPtr;}
  virtual void print(std::ostream& os) const;

  Particle* motherPart() {return _mother;}
  Particle* daughter1Part() {return _daughter1;}
  Particle* daughter2Part() {return _daughter2;}

  virtual std::string dynType() {return _dynType;}
  //  virtual std::string& dynKey() {return _dynKey;}
  virtual std::pair<Particle*, Particle*>& firstDecayChannel() { return _decPair1stChannel;}
  virtual std::pair<Particle*, Particle*>& secondDecayChannel() { return _decPair2ndChannel;}
  virtual std::shared_ptr<AbsDecay> absDecPtr() {return shared_from_this();}
  virtual std::string type() =0;
  virtual void extractStates()=0;

  double isospinCG() {return _isospinClebschG;}

  Spin iDaughter1() {return _idaughter1;}
  Spin i3Daughter1() {return _i3daughter1;}
  Spin iDaughter2() {return _idaughter2;}
  Spin i3Daughter2() {return _i3daughter2;}
  virtual void disableIsospin(){_useIsospin=false;}
  bool useIsospin(){ return _useIsospin;}
  virtual std::string pathToConfigParser() {return _pathParserFile;}
  void setProductionAmp() {_isProdAmp=true;}
  bool isProductionAmp() {return _isProdAmp;}

  void resetFilledMap();
  void enableProdBarrier();
  bool useProdBarrier() {return _useProdBarrier;}

  ChannelID _channelId;

  Particle* _mother;
  Particle* _daughter1;
  Particle* _daughter2;

  bool _daughter1IsStable;
  bool _daughter2IsStable;
  bool _hasMotherPart;

  std::shared_ptr<const jpcRes> _motherJPCPtr;
  std::shared_ptr<const IGJPC> _motherIGJPCPtr;
  std::shared_ptr<const IGJPC> _daughter1IGJPCPtr;
  std::shared_ptr<const IGJPC> _daughter2IGJPCPtr;

  double _isospinClebschG;

  std::string _name;
  std::string _fitParamSuffix;
  std::string _massParamKey;
  std::string _wignerDKey;
  std::string _dynType;
  //  std::string _dynKey;
  double _preFactor;
  std::string _pathParserFile;

  std::vector< std::shared_ptr<const JPCLS> > _JPCLSDecAmps;

  std::shared_ptr<AbsDecay> _absDecDaughter1;
  std::shared_ptr<AbsDecay> _absDecDaughter2;

  std::vector<Particle*> _finalStateParticles;
  std::vector<Particle*> _finalStateParticlesDaughter1;
  std::vector<Particle*> _finalStateParticlesDaughter2;
  std::pair<Particle*, Particle*> _decPair1stChannel;
  std::pair<Particle*, Particle*> _decPair2ndChannel;

  std::shared_ptr<AbsDynamics> _absDynPtr;
  std::map<int, bool> _alreadyFilledMap;

  Spin _idaughter1;
  Spin _i3daughter1;
  Spin _idaughter2;
  Spin _i3daughter2;

  int _gParity;

  bool _useIsospin;
  bool _isProdAmp;
  bool _useProdBarrier;