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 * @file GInfoFunction.hpp

/* Copyright (C) Dr. Ruediger Berlich and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
 * (University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Laboratory
 * of the Helmholtz Association)
 * Contact: info [at] gemfony (dot) com
 * This file is part of the Geneva library, Gemfony scientific's optimization
 * library.
 * Geneva is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * Geneva is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with the Geneva library.  If not, see <>.
 * For further information on Gemfony scientific and Geneva, visit
 * .

// Standard header files go here
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>

// Boost header files go here
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

// GenEvA header files go here
#include <courtier/GAsioHelperFunctions.hpp>
#include <courtier/GAsioTCPClientT.hpp>
#include <courtier/GAsioTCPConsumerT.hpp>
#include <geneva/GBrokerEA.hpp>
#include <geneva/GEvolutionaryAlgorithm.hpp>
#include <geneva/GIndividual.hpp>
#include <geneva/GMultiThreadedEA.hpp>

// The individual that should be optimized
#include "Examples/MATpbarpToOmegaPi/GOmegaPiIndividual.hh"
#include "Examples/MATpbarpToOmegaPi/OmegaPiData.hh"

namespace Gem {
 * An information object that will also emit result information in every n-th generation,
 * if requested.
class optimizationMonitor {
	 * The standard constructor. All collected data will to be written to file
	 * @param nInfoIndividuals The amount of individuals for which information should be emitted
	 * @param summary The stream to which information should be written
	optimizationMonitor(const std::size_t nInfoIndividuals, std::ostream& summary)
		: nInfoIndividuals_(nInfoIndividuals)
		, summary_(summary)
		{ /* nothing */  }

	 * The function that does the actual collection of data. It can be called in
	 * three modes:
	 * INFOINIT: is called once before the optimization run.
	 * INFOPROCESSING: is called in regular intervals during the optimization, as determined by the user
	 * INFOEND: is called once after the optimization run
	 * @param im The current mode in which the function is called
	 * @param gbp A pointer to a GEvolutionaryAlgorithm object for which information should be collected
	void informationFunction(const infoMode& im, GEvolutionaryAlgorithm * const gbp){
		switch(im) {
		case Gem::Geneva::INFOINIT:
			// Output the header to the summary stream
			summary_ << "{" << std::endl
					<< "  gROOT->Reset();" << std::endl
					<< "  gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);" << std::endl
					<< "  TCanvas *cc = new TCanvas(\"cc\",\"cc\",0,0,800,1200);" << std::endl
					<< "  cc->Divide(1," << nInfoIndividuals_ << ");" << std::endl
					<< std::endl
					<< "  std::vector<long> generation;" << std::endl;

			for(std::size_t p=0; p<nInfoIndividuals_; p++) {
				summary_ << "  std::vector<double> evaluation" << p << ";" << std::endl
						<< std::endl;

		case Gem::Geneva::INFOPROCESSING:
			bool isDirty = false;
			double currentEvaluation = 0.;

			// Retrieve the current generation
			boost::uint32_t generation = gbp->getIteration();

			summary_ << "  generation.push_back(" << generation << ");" << std::endl;

			for(std::size_t p=0; p<nInfoIndividuals_; p++) {
				// Get access to the inidividual
				boost::shared_ptr<GOmegaPiIndividual> gdii_ptr = gbp->individual_cast<GOmegaPiIndividual>(p);

				// Retrieve the fitness of this individual
				currentEvaluation = gdii_ptr->getCurrentFitness(isDirty);

				// Let the audience know about the best result and fit parameters
				if(p==0) {
				  OmegaPiData::fitParamVal theParamVal;
				  std::cout << generation << ": logLh = " << currentEvaluation << std::endl;


				// Write information to the output stream
				summary_ << "  evaluation" << p << ".push_back(" <<  currentEvaluation << ");" << (isDirty?" // dirty flag is set":"") << std::endl;
			summary_ << std::endl; // Improves readability when following the output with "tail -f"

		case Gem::Geneva::INFOEND:
			// Output final print logic to the stream
		  summary_ << "  // Transfer the vectors into arrays" << std::endl
			   << "  double generation_arr[generation.size()];" << std::endl;
		  for(std::size_t p=0; p<nInfoIndividuals_; p++) {
		    summary_ << "  double evaluation" << p << "_arr[evaluation" << p << ".size()];" << std::endl
			     << std::endl
			     << "  for(std::size_t i=0; i<generation.size(); i++) {" << std::endl;
		    if(p==0) summary_ << "     generation_arr[i] = (double)generation[i];" << std::endl;
		    summary_ << "     evaluation" << p << "_arr[i] = evaluation" << p << "[i];" << std::endl
			     << "  }" << std::endl
			     << std::endl
			     << "  // Create a TGraph object" << std::endl
			     << "  TGraph *evGraph" << p << " = new TGraph(evaluation" << p << ".size(), generation_arr, evaluation" << p << "_arr);" << std::endl
			     << std::endl;
		  summary_ << "  // Do the actual drawing" << std::endl;
		  for(std::size_t p=0; p<nInfoIndividuals_; p++) {
		    summary_ << "  cc->cd(" << p+1 << ");" << std::endl
			     << "  evGraph" << p << "->Draw(\"AP\");" << std::endl;
		  summary_ << "  cc->cd();" << std::endl
			   << "}" << std::endl;
  optimizationMonitor(); ///< Intentionally left undefined
  std::size_t nInfoIndividuals_; ///< The number of individuals for which information should be gathered
  std::ostream& summary_; ///< The stream to which information is written
} /* namespace Gem */