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//									  //
//  Copyright 2013 Bertram Kopf (			  //
//  	      	   Julian Pychy (			  //
//          	   - Ruhr-Universität Bochum 				  //
//									  //
//  This file is part of Pawian.					  //
//									  //
//  Pawian is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify	  //
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  //
//  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 	  //
//  (at your option) any later version.	 	      	  	   	  //
//									  //
//  Pawian is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,		  //
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of	  //
//  GNU General Public License for more details.	      		  //
//									  //
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     //
//  along with Pawian.  If not, see <>.	  //
//									  //

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// pbarpEnv class definition file. -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright 2012 Bertram Kopf

#include <getopt.h>
#include <fstream>

#include "pbarpUtils/pbarpEnv.hh"
#include "pbarpUtils/pbarpParser.hh"
#include "PwaUtils/AbsDecay.hh"
#include "PwaUtils/AbsDecayList.hh"
#include "PwaUtils/IsobarLSDecay.hh"
#include "PwaUtils/IsobarTensorDecay.hh"
//#include "PwaUtils/IsobarDecayList.hh"
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#include "pbarpUtils/pbarpReaction.hh"
//#include "pbarpUtils/pbarpEventList.hh"
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#include "qft++/relativistic-quantum-mechanics/Utils.hh"
#include "ErrLogger/ErrLogger.hh"
#include "Particle/Particle.hh"
#include "Particle/ParticleTable.hh"
#include "Particle/PdtParser.hh"

pbarpEnv* pbarpEnv::_instance=0;

pbarpEnv* pbarpEnv::instance()
  if (0==_instance) _instance = new pbarpEnv();
  return _instance;

pbarpEnv::pbarpEnv() :
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void pbarpEnv::setup(pbarpParser* thePbarpParser){

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  //Antiproton momentum
  _pbarMomentum = thePbarpParser->getpbarMomentum();

  double pMass=_particleTable->particle("proton")->mass();
  double antipMass=_particleTable->particle("antiproton")->mass();
  _initial4Vec = Vector4<double>(pMass+sqrt(antipMass*antipMass+_pbarMomentum*_pbarMomentum), 0., 0., _pbarMomentum);

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  // individual Lmax settings
  std::vector<std::string> theDropPbarpLForParticles = thePbarpParser->dropPbarpLForParticle();
  for(auto ldropIt = theDropPbarpLForParticles.begin(); ldropIt != theDropPbarpLForParticles.end(); ++ldropIt){
     std::string particle;
     short l;
     std::stringstream stringStr;
     stringStr << (*ldropIt);
     stringStr >> particle >> l;

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  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itStr;

  //pbarp reaction
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  _pbarpReaction=boost::shared_ptr<pbarpReaction>(new pbarpReaction(_producedParticlePairs, _lmax));

  //fill prodDecayList
    std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<IsobarLSDecay> > prodDecs= _pbarpReaction->productionDecays();
    std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<IsobarLSDecay> >::iterator itDec;
    for (itDec=prodDecs.begin(); itDec!=prodDecs.end(); ++itDec){
  else if(thePbarpParser->productionFormalism()=="Tensor"){
      std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<IsobarTensorDecay> > prodDecs= _pbarpReaction->productionTensorDecays();
      std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<IsobarTensorDecay> >::iterator itDec;
    for (itDec=prodDecs.begin(); itDec!=prodDecs.end(); ++itDec){
    Alert <<"production formalism\t" << thePbarpParser->productionFormalism() << "\t is not supported!!!" << endmsg;
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  //set suffixes
  std::vector<std::string> suffixVec = thePbarpParser->replaceSuffixNames();
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  std::map<std::string, std::string> decSuffixNames;

  for ( itStr = suffixVec.begin(); itStr != suffixVec.end(); ++itStr){
    std::stringstream stringStr;
    stringStr << (*itStr);
    std::string classStr;
    stringStr >> classStr;

    std::string suffixStr;
    stringStr >> suffixStr;
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  //set suffixes for decay classes
  std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator itMapStrStr;
  for (itMapStrStr=decSuffixNames.begin(); itMapStrStr!=decSuffixNames.end(); ++itMapStrStr){
    _absDecList->replaceSuffix(itMapStrStr->first, itMapStrStr->second);
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    _prodDecList->replaceSuffix(itMapStrStr->first, itMapStrStr->second);
    //    boost::shared_ptr<IsobarDecay> theDec=_decList->decay(itMapStrStr->first);
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  //replace mass key
  std::vector<std::string> replMassKeyVec = thePbarpParser->replaceMassKey();
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  std::map<std::string, std::string> decRepMassKeyNames;

  for ( itStr = replMassKeyVec.begin(); itStr != replMassKeyVec.end(); ++itStr){
    std::stringstream stringStr;
    stringStr << (*itStr);
    std::string oldStr;
    stringStr >> oldStr;

    std::string newStr;
    stringStr >> newStr;

  for (itMapStrStr=decRepMassKeyNames.begin(); itMapStrStr!=decRepMassKeyNames.end(); ++itMapStrStr){
    _absDecList->replaceMassKey(itMapStrStr->first, itMapStrStr->second);
  //add dynamics 
  std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<AbsDecay> > absDecList= _absDecList->getList();
  std::vector<std::string> decDynVec = thePbarpParser->decayDynamics();
  for ( itStr = decDynVec.begin(); itStr != decDynVec.end(); ++itStr){
    std::stringstream stringStr;
    stringStr << (*itStr);

    std::string particleStr;
    stringStr >> particleStr;

    std::string dynStr;
    stringStr >> dynStr;

    std::string tmpName;
    std::vector<std::string> additionalStringVec;
    while(stringStr >> tmpName){

    std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<AbsDecay> >::iterator itDec;
    for (itDec=absDecList.begin(); itDec!=absDecList.end(); ++itDec){
      std::string theDecName=(*itDec)->name();
      std::string toFind=particleStr+"To";
      size_t found;
      found = theDecName.find(toFind);
      if (found!=string::npos && found==0){
	(*itDec)->enableDynamics(dynStr, additionalStringVec);
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  // std::vector<std::string> theHistMassNames=thePbarpParser->histMassNames();
  // //fill vector histMassSystems
  // for ( itStr = theHistMassNames.begin(); itStr != theHistMassNames.end(); ++itStr){
  //   std::stringstream stringStr;
  //   stringStr << (*itStr);
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  //   std::string tmpName;
  //   std::vector<std::string> currentStringVec;
  //   while(stringStr >> tmpName){
  //     currentStringVec.push_back(tmpName);
  //   } 
  //   _histMassSystems.push_back(currentStringVec);
  // }
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  std::vector<std::string> theHistAngleNames=thePbarpParser->histAngleNames();
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  //fill vector histMassSystems
  for ( itStr = theHistAngleNames.begin(); itStr != theHistAngleNames.end(); ++itStr){
    std::stringstream stringStr;
    stringStr << (*itStr);
    std::string tmpName;
    std::vector<std::string> currentStringDecVec;
    std::vector<std::string> currentStringDecVec2;
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    std::vector<std::string> currentStringMotherVec;
    bool isDecParticle=true;
    bool isFirstDecParticle=true;
    short nBodyDecay=2;
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    while(stringStr >> tmpName){
      if(tmpName=="from") {
      else if(tmpName=="and") {
      if(isDecParticle && isFirstDecParticle) currentStringDecVec.push_back(tmpName);
      else if(isDecParticle && !isFirstDecParticle) currentStringDecVec2.push_back(tmpName);
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      else currentStringMotherVec.push_back(tmpName);
    boost::shared_ptr<angleHistData> currentAngleHistData(new angleHistData(currentStringMotherVec, currentStringDecVec, currentStringDecVec2, nBodyDecay));
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  // spin density particles
  _spinDensity = thePbarpParser->spinDensityNames();