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 * @file GArgumentParser.cpp

/* Copyright (C) Dr. Ruediger Berlich and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
 * (University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Laboratory
 * of the Helmholtz Association)
 * Contact: info [at] gemfony (dot) com
 * This file is part of the Geneva library, Gemfony scientific's optimization
 * library.
 * Geneva is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * Geneva is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with the Geneva library.  If not, see <>.
 * For further information on Gemfony scientific and Geneva, visit
 * .

#include "Examples/pbarpToOmegaPi/GArgumentParser.hh"
#include "ErrLogger/ErrLogger.hh"
using namespace std;
  * A function that parses the command line for all required parameters
bool ApplicationParameter::parseCommandLine(int argc, char **argv)
    int iAppMode=0;
    unsigned short DEFAULTPORT=port;
    std::string DEFAULTIP=ip;
    bool DEFAULTPARALLELIZATIONMODE=parallelizationMode;
    boost::uint16_t recombinationScheme=0;
    bool verbose;
    string strErrLogMode="debug";
    // Check the command line options. Uses the Boost program options library.
    string strAppName(argv[0]);
    size_t found = strAppName.rfind("/")+1;
    if (found != string::npos) strAppName=strAppName.substr(found);
    string strDesc="Usage: " + strAppName + " [options]";
    po::options_description desc(strDesc);
      ("help,h", "emit help message")
	    "The name of the configuration file holding further configuration options")
      ("parallelizationMode,p", po::value<boost::uint16_t>(&parallelizationMode)->default_value(parallelizationMode),
	    "Whether or not to run this optimization in serial mode (0), multi-threaded (1) or networked (2) mode")
      ("serverMode,s","Whether to run networked execution in server or client mode. The option only gets evaluated if \"--parallelizationMode=2\"")
      ("ip",po::value<std::string>(&ip)->default_value(ip), "The ip of the server")
      ("port",po::value<unsigned short>(&port)->default_value(port), "The port of the server")
      ("serMode", po::value<Gem::Common::serializationMode>(&serMode)->default_value(serMode),
	    "Specifies whether serialization shall be done in TEXTMODE (0), XMLMODE (1) or BINARYMODE (2)")
      ("spf", po::value<string>(&strPathStartParamFile),"Path to the start parameter file.")
      ("M1", "Spin M for calculation of spin density.")
      ("M2", "Spin M' for calculation of spin density.")
      ("allSpin","Calculate all possible spin density elements of the spin density matrix.")
      ("remB",po::value<int>(&nNumEventsRemove),"Remove number of events from the beginning of the event list.")
      ("remE",po::value<int>(&nNumEventsRemove),"Remove number of events from the end of the event list.")
      ("redE",po::value<int>(&nNumEventsRed),"Reduce number of events from the event list to specified number.")
    po::options_description common("Common Options");
      ("jmax", po::value<unsigned>(&jMax)->default_value(jMax),"choose jmax.")
      ("pbarmom", po::value<unsigned>(&pbarMom)->default_value(pbarMom),"choose pbar momentum.")
      ("errLogMode,e", po::value<string>(&strErrLogMode)->default_value(strErrLogMode),
      "choose mode for Error logger.")	  
      ("appMode,a", po::value<int>(&iAppMode)->default_value(enAppExecMode), 
       "Specifies which minimization algorithm should be used for fitting GenEvA (0) or Minuit (1) or Minuit after GenEvA (2) or spin density calculation (3) or QA mode (4).")
Ruediger Berlich's avatar
Ruediger Berlich committed
      ("name,n", po::value<string>(&strName)->default_value("myApp"),
        "Name that is attached to all otuput file names to be able to run multiple fits in parallel.")
      ("LhMode", po::value<std::string>(&theLhMode)->default_value(theLhMode),
       "Specifies the likelihood mode")
    po::options_description config("Configuration file options");
      "The amount of random number producer threads")
      "The amount of threads processing individuals simultaneously")
      "The size of the super-population")
      "The number of parents in the population") // Needs to be treated separately
      ("maxIterations", po::value<boost::uint32_t>(&maxIterations)->default_value(maxIterations),
      "Maximum number of iterations in the population")
      ("maxMinutes", po::value<long>(&maxMinutes)->default_value(maxMinutes),
      "The maximum number of minutes the optimization of the population should run")
      "The number of iterations after which information should be emitted in the super-population")
      "The recombination scheme for the super-population")
      ("sortingScheme,o", po::value<sortingMode>(&smode)->default_value(smode),
      "Determines whether sorting is done in MUCOMMANU (0), MUPLUSNU (1)  or MUNU1PRETAIN (2) mode")
      ("arraySize", po::value<std::size_t>(&arraySize)->default_value(arraySize),
      "The size of the buffer with random arrays in the random factory")
      "Whether additional information should be emitted")
      ("processingCycles", po::value<boost::uint32_t>(&processingCycles)->default_value(processingCycles),
      "The maximum number of cycles a client should perform mutations before it returns without success")
      ("returnRegardless", po::value<bool>(&returnRegardless)->default_value(returnRegardless),
      "Specifies whether results should be returned even if they are not better than before")
      ("waitFactor", po::value<boost::uint32_t>(&waitFactor)->default_value(waitFactor),
      "Influences the maximum waiting time of the GBrokerEA after the arrival of the first evaluated individuum")
      ("SourcePath", po::value<std::string>(&theSourcePath)->default_value(theSourcePath),
       "Specifies the path to root directory of the source")
    po::options_description cmdline_options;
    po::options_description config_file_options;
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, cmdline_options), vm);
    // Check the name of the configuation file
    if(configFile.empty() || configFile == "empty" || configFile == "unknown") 
      stringstream strError;
      strError << "Error: Invalid configuration file name given: \"" << configFile << "\"";
      throw runtime_error(strError.str());
    std::ifstream ifs(configFile.c_str());
      stringstream strError;
      strError << "Error accessing configuratiocommonn file " << configFile;
      throw runtime_error(strError.str());
    store(po::parse_config_file(ifs, config_file_options), vm);
    // Emit a help message, if necessary
    if (vm.count("help")) 
      std::cout << cmdline_options << endl;
    if (vm.count("parallelizationMode")) {
	    if(parallelizationMode > 2) {
         stringstream strError;
         strError << "Error: the \"-p\" or \"--parallelizationMode\" option may only assume the\n"
                  << "values 0 (serial), 1 (multi-threaded) or 2 (networked). Leaving ...";
         throw runtime_error(strError.str());
	    if(parallelizationMode == 2) if(vm.count("serverMode")) serverMode = true;
    if(parallelizationMode != DEFAULTPARALLELIZATIONMODE ||  ip != DEFAULTIP  ||  port != DEFAULTPORT){
	    std::string parModeString;
	    switch(parallelizationMode) {
	    case 0:
		    parModeString = "serial";
	    case 1:
		    parModeString = "multi-threaded";
	    case 2:
		    parModeString = "networked";
	    std::cout << "\nRunning with the following command line options:\n"
		      << "configFile = " << configFile << "\n"
		      << "parallelizationMode = " << parModeString << "\n"
		      << "serverMode = " << (serverMode?"true":"false") << "\n"
		      << "ip = " << ip << "\n"
		      << "port = " << port << "\n"
		      << "serMode = " << serMode << "\n"
		      << endl;
    if (vm.count("appMode"))
      if (int(enAppExecMode) > 4 || int(enAppExecMode) < 0)
        stringstream strError;
        strError << "The option number " << int(enAppExecMode) << " for minimization algorithm is out of range!";
        throw runtime_error(strError.str());
    if (vm.count("allSpin"))
      bCalcAllSpindensity = true;
    else bCalcAllSpindensity = false;
   if (vm.count("spf"))
     if (strPathStartParamFile.empty()) 
       stringstream strError;
       strError << "start parameter file must be specified when using --spf";
       throw runtime_error(strError.str());

   if (!vm.count("name") && (enAppExecMode != SpinDensity))
    stringstream strError;
    strError << "Name of the process must be specified!";
    throw runtime_error(strError.str());

  //Config File Parameter check
    // Check the number of parents in the super-population
    if(2*nParents > populationSize){
      stringstream strError;
      strError << "Error: Invalid number of parents inpopulation\n"
          << "nParents       = " << nParents << "\n"
          << "populationSize = " << populationSize;
      throw runtime_error(strError.str());
    // Workaround for assigment problem with rScheme
    else if(recombinationScheme==(boost::uint16_t)RANDOMRECOMBINE)
    else if(recombinationScheme==(boost::uint16_t)DEFAULTRECOMBINE)
    else {
      stringstream strError;
      strError << "Error: Invalid recombination scheme in population: " << recombinationScheme;
      throw runtime_error(strError.str());
    if(strErrLogMode == "debug") errLogMode = debug;
    else if(strErrLogMode == "trace") errLogMode = trace;
    else if(strErrLogMode == "routine") errLogMode = routine;
    else if(strErrLogMode == "warning") errLogMode = warning;
    else if(strErrLogMode == "error")   errLogMode = error; 
    else if(strErrLogMode == "alert")   errLogMode = alert; 
      errLogMode = debug;
      Warning << "ErrorLogger not (properly) set -> Use mode 'DEBUG' " << endmsg;
    if(vm.count("remB") && vm.count("remE")) 
      stringstream strError;
      strError << "Options remB and remE can't be combined only one can be used.";
      throw runtime_error(strError.str());
        bRemoveEventsFromEnd = true;
      else if(vm.count("remB"))
        bRemoveEventsFromEnd = false;
      if (nNumEventsRemove<0)
        stringstream strError;
        strError << "Number of events to remove must be positive!";
        throw runtime_error(strError.str());
    if (vm.count("redE"))
      if(vm.count("remB") || vm.count("remE")) 
        stringstream strError;
        strError << "Options redE can't be used in connection with options remE or remB.";
        throw runtime_error(strError.str());
      if (nNumEventsRed < 0)
        stringstream strError;
        strError << "Number to which number of events should be reduced must be greater then zero.";
        throw runtime_error(strError.str());
      bRemoveEventsFromEnd = true;
    else nNumEventsRed=0;
    if (vm.count("allSpin") || vm.count("M1") || vm.count("M2"))
      if (!vm.count("spf"))
        stringstream strError;
        strError << "Start parameter file must be specified for the calculation of spin density";
        throw runtime_error(strError.str());
      std::cout << "\nRunning with the following options using " << configFile << ":\n"
	    << "nProducerThreads = " << (boost::uint16_t)nProducerThreads << "\n" // boost::uint8_t not printable on gcc ???
	    << "populationSize = " << populationSize << "\n"
	    << "nParents = " << nParents << "\n"
	    << "maxIterations = " << maxIterations << "\n"
	    << "maxMinutes = " << maxMinutes << "\n"
	    << "reportIteration = " << reportIteration << "\n"
	    << "rScheme = " << (boost::uint16_t)rScheme << "\n"
	    << "sortingScheme = " << smode << "\n"
	    << "arraySize = " << arraySize << "\n"
	    << "processingCycles = " << processingCycles << "\n"
	    << "returnRegardless = " << (returnRegardless?"true":"false") << "\n"
	    << "jMax = " << jMax << "\n"
	    << "pbarMom = " << pbarMom << "\n"
	    << "errLogMode = " << strErrLogMode << "\n"
	    << "SourcePath = " << theSourcePath << "\n"
	    << "LhMode = " << theLhMode << "\n"
  catch( std::exception & e )
    cerr << "Error parsing the command line:" << endl;
    cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
    cerr << "You can use -h or --help to obtain the description of the program parameters." << endl;
    return false;
      std::cerr << "Error parsing the command line. Use -h or --help to see the description of the program paramters." << endl;
      return false;