# a comment in a sample setup file
# {} marks a decay chain
{ ppbar -> {partB -> myPi+, pi-} , {partC -> partD, partE} }
{ ppbar -> {partB -> myPi+, pi-} , {partX -> partD, partE} }
{ ppbar -> {partB -> myPi+, pi-} , {partY -> partD, partE} }
{ ppbar -> {partB -> myPi+, pi-} , {partZ -> partD, partE} }
# set properties of initial state: L, M = Lz,
initialProperties L=0,5 M=1,-1
# define what should be varied in the fit: width, mass, amplitude, phase
fitVariables partB(amplitude, phase, mass) partC(amplitude, phase, width, mass)
# define a new particle in the syntax used in our pdt table
# type name texName 3*Q 2*J P C G I I3 S C mass width dynFuntion [comment]
addParticle Meson partC(1270) partC(1270) 0 2 -1 -1 1 1 0 0 0 1.270 0.300 RelBWBlattWk [glueball? hybrid?]
# derive a new particle from an existing one and modify it: mass, width, JPC, dynFunction
cloneParticle myPi+ pi+
modParticle myPi+ mass=142.3+0.5-0.4
# define the columns in the input tuples
defineTuple myPi+ pi- partD partE
# set the input files for beam and mc data
beamInput beam1.root
beamInput beam2.root
beamInput beam3.root beam4.root
mcInput mc1.root mc2.root