cout<<"\nBox "<<boxNo<<" was successfully assigned to APDs from serial file "<<fileName<<". At least I hope so. In any case, something happened for "<<apdSerials.size()<<" APDs."
<<"\nThank you for using apdBoxSetter! :)"<<endl<<endl;
// cout << "\nBox " << boxNo << " was successfully assigned to APDs from serial file " << fileName << ". At least I hope so. In any case, something happened for " << apdSerials.size() << " APDs."
// << "\nThank you for using apdBoxSetter! :)" << endl << endl;
std::cerr<<"Found new unit with RS = "<<newUnit.redSerial<<", BS = "<<newUnit.blueSerial<<", CS = "<<newUnit.crystalSerial<<", BC = "<<newUnit.barCode<<std::endl;