# Check if cmake has the required version CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.4.3 FATAL_ERROR) # Set name of our project to "PAWIAN" (= PArtial Wave Interactive ANalysis) project(PAWIAN) set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib") set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules") # Load some basic macros which are needed later on include(WriteConfigFile) # searches for needed packages # REQUIRED means that cmake will stop if this packages are not found # For example the framework can run without GEANT4, but ROOT is # mandatory find_package(ROOT REQUIRED) SET (Boost_USE_MULTITHREAD ON) SET (Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.42" "1.43.0") FIND_PACKAGE(Boost 1.42 REQUIRED COMPONENTS date_time filesystem program_options regex serialization system thread ) # The test component is not necessary for the library, but needed for the tests FIND_PACKAGE(Boost 1.42 COMPONENTS test_exec_monitor ) MESSAGE("Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS: " ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) MESSAGE("Boost_LIBRARIES: " ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) MESSAGE("Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS: " ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}) FIND_PACKAGE(Minuit2 REQUIRED) MESSAGE("Minuit2_INCLUDE_DIRS: " ${Minuit2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) MESSAGE("Minuit2_LIBRARY_DIRS: " ${Minuit2_LIBRARY_DIRS}) MESSAGE("Minuit2_LIBRARIES: " ${Minuit2_LIBRARIES}) # Set the library type to static by default IF( NOT PAWIAN_STATIC ) SET( PAWIAN_STATIC TRUE ) ENDIF() IF( PAWIAN_STATIC ) # SET (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-static -static-libgcc -lpthread") # SET (LINK_FLAGS "-static-libgcc -lpthread") SET (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-lpthread -Wall") SET (LINK_FLAGS "-lpthread -Wall") SET (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFF) SET (Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) LINK_LIBRARIES (dl) # LINK_LIBRARIES (z) LINK_LIBRARIES (pthread) ELSE() SET (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON) SET (Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS OFF) LINK_LIBRARIES (pthread) ENDIF() ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (CMakeModules) add_subdirectory (qft++) add_subdirectory (Utils) add_subdirectory (ErrLogger) add_subdirectory (Particle) add_subdirectory (Setup) add_subdirectory (Examples/qft++) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ps OUTPUT_VARIABLE PSOUTPUT) IF(${PSOUTPUT} MATCHES tcsh ) SET(CONFIG_TCSH_FILE CONFIG_TCSH_FILE-NOTFOUND) FIND_FILE(CONFIG_TCSH_FILE config.csh PATHS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) IF(CONFIG_TCSH_FILE MATCHES config.csh) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND rm config.csh) ENDIF() WRITE_CONFIG_FILE(config.csh) ELSEIF(${PSOUTPUT} MATCHES bash) SET(CONFIG_SH_FILE CONFIG_SH_FILE-NOTFOUND) FIND_FILE(CONFIG_SH_FILE config.sh PATHS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) IF(CONFIG_SH_FILE MATCHES config.sh) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND rm config.sh) ENDIF() WRITE_CONFIG_FILE(config.sh) ELSE() MESSAGE("No config file: tcsh or bash not found !!!") ENDIF()