//************************************************************************// // // // Copyright 2013 Bertram Kopf (bertram@ep1.rub.de) // // Julian Pychy (julian@ep1.rub.de) // // - Ruhr-Universität Bochum // // // // This file is part of Pawian. // // // // Pawian is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // Pawian is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with Pawian. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // // // //************************************************************************// // LSOmegaTo3PiDecAmps class definition file. -*- C++ -*- // Copyright 2012 Bertram Kopf #include <getopt.h> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <mutex> #include "PwaUtils/LSOmegaTo3PiDecAmps.hh" #include "qft++/relativistic-quantum-mechanics/Utils.hh" #include "ErrLogger/ErrLogger.hh" #include "PwaUtils/DataUtils.hh" //#include "PwaUtils/OmegaTo3PiLSDecay.hh" //#include "PwaUtils/XdecAmpRegistry.hh" #include "Particle/Particle.hh" LSOmegaTo3PiDecAmps::LSOmegaTo3PiDecAmps(std::shared_ptr<OmegaTo3PiLSDecay> theDec, ChannelID channelID) : LSDecAmps( (std::shared_ptr<AbsDecay>) theDec, channelID) ,_lambdaDecKey(theDec->lambdaDecKey()) { _JPCLSs=theDec->JPCLSAmps(); _factorMag=1.; if(_JPCLSs.size()>0) _factorMag=1./sqrt(_JPCLSs.size()); } LSOmegaTo3PiDecAmps::~LSOmegaTo3PiDecAmps() { } complex<double> LSOmegaTo3PiDecAmps::XdecPartAmp(Spin lamX, Spin lamDec, short fixDaughterNr, EvtData* theData, Spin lamFs, AbsXdecAmp* grandmaAmp){ complex<double> result(0.,0.); std::vector< std::shared_ptr<const JPCLS> >::iterator it; for (it=_JPCLSs.begin(); it!=_JPCLSs.end(); ++it){ if( fabs(lamX) > (*it)->J ) continue; double theMag=_currentParamMags[*it]; double thePhi=_currentParamPhis[*it]; complex<double> expi(cos(thePhi), sin(thePhi)); complex<double> amp = theMag*expi*sqrt(2*(*it)->L+1) *conj( theData->WignerDsString[_wignerDKey][(*it)->J][lamX][0]); result+=amp; } return result; } complex<double> LSOmegaTo3PiDecAmps::XdecAmp(Spin lamX, EvtData* theData, Spin lamFs, AbsXdecAmp* grandmaAmp){ complex<double> result(0.,0.); int evtNo=theData->evtNo; if ( _cacheAmps && !_recalculate){ result=_cachedAmpMap[evtNo][lamX][lamFs]; result*=_absDyn->eval(theData, grandmaAmp); return result; } std::vector< std::shared_ptr<const JPCLS> >::iterator it; for (it=_JPCLSs.begin(); it!=_JPCLSs.end(); ++it){ if( fabs(lamX) > (*it)->J ) continue; double theMag=_currentParamMags[*it]; double thePhi=_currentParamPhis[*it]; complex<double> expi(cos(thePhi), sin(thePhi)); complex<double> amp = theMag*expi*sqrt(2*(*it)->L+1) *conj( theData->WignerDsString[_wignerDKey][(*it)->J][lamX][0]); result+=amp; } result*=sqrt( theData->DoubleString[_lambdaDecKey] ); if ( _cacheAmps){ theMutex.lock(); _cachedAmpMap[evtNo][lamX][lamFs]=result; theMutex.unlock(); } result*=_absDyn->eval(theData, grandmaAmp); return result; } void LSOmegaTo3PiDecAmps::print(std::ostream& os) const{ return; //dummy }