#include <getopt.h> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include "PwaUtils/PsiToXGamStates.hh" #include "ErrLogger/ErrLogger.hh" PsiToXGamStates::PsiToXGamStates() : _psiJPC(new jpcRes(1, -1, -1)), _gammaJPC(new jpcRes(1, -1, -1)), _etaJPC(new jpcRes(0, -1, 1)), _f0JPC(new jpcRes(0, 1, 1)), _f1JPC(new jpcRes(1, 1, 1)), _f2JPC(new jpcRes(2, 1, 1)), _eta2JPC(new jpcRes(2,-1,1) ) { //LS combinations for Psi decays to X gamma fillJPCLS(_psiJPC, _etaJPC , _gammaJPC, _JPCLS_PsiToEtaGamma ); fillJPCLS(_psiJPC, _f0JPC , _gammaJPC, _JPCLS_PsiToF0Gamma ); fillJPCLS(_psiJPC, _f1JPC , _gammaJPC, _JPCLS_PsiToF1Gamma ); fillJPCLS(_psiJPC, _f2JPC , _gammaJPC, _JPCLS_PsiToF2Gamma ); fillJPCLS(_psiJPC, _eta2JPC, _gammaJPC, _JPCLS_PsiToEta2Gamma); fillJPClamlam(_JPCLS_PsiToEtaGamma, _etaJPC, _JPCLamLam_PsiToEtaGamma); fillJPClamlam(_JPCLS_PsiToF0Gamma, _f0JPC,_JPCLamLam_PsiToF0Gamma); fillJPClamlam(_JPCLS_PsiToF2Gamma, _f1JPC,_JPCLamLam_PsiToF1Gamma); fillJPClamlam(_JPCLS_PsiToF2Gamma, _f2JPC,_JPCLamLam_PsiToF2Gamma); fillJPClamlam(_JPCLS_PsiToEta2Gamma, _eta2JPC,_JPCLamLam_PsiToEta2Gamma); } PsiToXGamStates::~PsiToXGamStates() { } void PsiToXGamStates::fillJPCLS(boost::shared_ptr<jpcRes> motherRes, boost::shared_ptr<jpcRes> daughterRes1, boost::shared_ptr<jpcRes> daughterRes2, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<const JPCLS> >& theJPCLSVec) { // first: check C-parity if ( motherRes->C != daughterRes1->C*daughterRes2->C){ Warning << "C-Parity not valid for the reaction: JPC= " << motherRes->J << " " << motherRes->P << " " << motherRes->C << " --> " << " JPC= " << daughterRes1->J << " " << daughterRes1->P << " " << daughterRes1->C << " and " << " JPC= " << daughterRes2->J << " " << daughterRes2->P << " " << daughterRes2->C ; // << endmsg; } vector<LS> LSs=GetValidLS(motherRes->J, motherRes->P, daughterRes1->J, daughterRes1->P, daughterRes2->J, daughterRes2->P); int num_LS = (int) LSs.size(); for(int ls = 0; ls < num_LS; ls++){ Spin L= LSs[ls].L; Spin S= LSs[ls].S; boost::shared_ptr<const JPCLS> tmpJPCLS(new JPCLS(motherRes, L, S)); theJPCLSVec.push_back(tmpJPCLS); } } void PsiToXGamStates::fillJPClamlam(std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<const JPCLS> >& theJPCLSvec, boost::shared_ptr<jpcRes> xRes, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<const JPClamlam> >& toFill){ //retrieve Smax Spin Smax(0); std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<const JPCLS> >::iterator it; for (it=theJPCLSvec.begin(); it!=theJPCLSvec.end(); ++it){ Spin currentS=(*it)->S; if ( Smax < currentS) Smax=currentS; } Info << "Smax= " << Smax << endmsg; Spin lamgam(1); for (Spin lamx = 0; lamx <= xRes->J; ++lamx){ if (fabs(lamx-lamgam)>_psiJPC->J || fabs(lamx-lamgam)>Smax) continue; double parityFactor = _psiJPC->P * xRes->P * _gammaJPC->P * pow(-1., xRes->J+_gammaJPC->J-_psiJPC->J ); boost::shared_ptr<const JPClamlam> tmpJPClamlam(new JPClamlam(_psiJPC, lamx, lamgam, parityFactor)); toFill.push_back(tmpJPClamlam); } } void PsiToXGamStates::print(std::ostream& os) const { os << "*** Psi -> Eta gamma: LS combinations for the decay *** "<< std::endl; printDecayJPCLS(os, _JPCLS_PsiToEtaGamma ); os << "*** Psi -> Eta gamma: lambda lambda combinations for the decay *** "<< std::endl; printDecayJPClamlam(os, _JPCLamLam_PsiToEtaGamma ); os << "*** Psi -> f0 gamma: LS combinations for the decay *** "<< std::endl; printDecayJPCLS(os, _JPCLS_PsiToF0Gamma ); os << "*** Psi -> f0 gamma: lambda lambda combinations for the decay *** "<< std::endl; printDecayJPClamlam(os, _JPCLamLam_PsiToF0Gamma); os << "*** Psi -> f1 gamma: LS combinations for the decay *** "<< std::endl; printDecayJPCLS(os, _JPCLS_PsiToF1Gamma ); os << "*** Psi -> f1 gamma: lambda lambda combinations for the decay *** "<< std::endl; printDecayJPClamlam(os, _JPCLamLam_PsiToF1Gamma); os << "*** Psi -> f2 gamma: LS combinations for the decay *** "<< std::endl; printDecayJPCLS(os, _JPCLS_PsiToF2Gamma ); os << "*** Psi -> f2 gamma: lambda lambda combinations for the decay *** "<< std::endl; printDecayJPClamlam(os, _JPCLamLam_PsiToF2Gamma); os << "*** Psi -> eta2 gamma: LS combinations for the decay *** "<< std::endl; printDecayJPCLS(os, _JPCLS_PsiToEta2Gamma ); os << "*** Psi -> eta2 gamma: lambda lambda combinations for the decay *** "<< std::endl; printDecayJPClamlam(os, _JPCLamLam_PsiToEta2Gamma ); } void PsiToXGamStates::printDecayJPCLS(std::ostream& os,std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<const JPCLS > > theJPCLS) const{ std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<const JPCLS > >::const_iterator itJPCLS; for ( itJPCLS=theJPCLS.begin(); itJPCLS!=theJPCLS.end(); ++itJPCLS){ (*itJPCLS)->print(os); os << "\n" << std::endl; } } void PsiToXGamStates::printDecayJPClamlam(std::ostream& os,std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<const JPClamlam > > theJPClamlam) const{ std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<const JPClamlam > >::const_iterator it; for ( it=theJPClamlam.begin(); it!=theJPClamlam.end(); ++it){ (*it)->print(os); os << "\n" << std::endl; } }