//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Environment: // This software is part of the EvtGen package developed jointly // for the BaBar and CLEO collaborations. If you use all or part // of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgement. // // Copyright Information: See EvtGen/COPYRIGHT // Copyright (C) 1998 Caltech, UCSB // // Module: EvtVector3C.cc // // Description: Complex 3 vectors. // // Modification history: // // RYD September 5, 1997 Module created // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include "PspGen/EvtComplex.hh" #include "PspGen/EvtVector3C.hh" EvtVector3C::EvtVector3C(){ v[0]=EvtComplex(0.0); v[1]=EvtComplex(0.0); v[2]=EvtComplex(0.0); } EvtVector3C::~EvtVector3C(){ return; } EvtVector3C::EvtVector3C(const EvtComplex& e1,const EvtComplex& e2,const EvtComplex& e3){ v[0]=e1; v[1]=e2; v[2]=e3; } EvtVector3C EvtVector3C::cross( const EvtVector3C& p2 ){ //Calcs the cross product. Added by djl on July 27, 1995. EvtVector3C temp; temp.v[0] = v[1]*p2.v[2] - v[2]*p2.v[1]; temp.v[1] = v[2]*p2.v[0] - v[0]*p2.v[2]; temp.v[2] = v[0]*p2.v[1] - v[1]*p2.v[0]; return temp; } EvtVector3C rotateEuler(const EvtVector3C& v, double alpha,double beta,double gamma){ EvtVector3C tmp(v); tmp.applyRotateEuler(alpha,beta,gamma); return tmp; } void EvtVector3C::applyRotateEuler(double phi,double theta,double ksi){ EvtComplex temp[3]; double sp,st,sk,cp,ct,ck; sp=sin(phi); st=sin(theta); sk=sin(ksi); cp=cos(phi); ct=cos(theta); ck=cos(ksi); temp[0]=( ck*ct*cp-sk*sp)*v[0]+( -sk*ct*cp-ck*sp)*v[1]+st*cp*v[2]; temp[1]=( ck*ct*sp+sk*cp)*v[0]+(-sk*ct*sp+ck*cp)*v[1]+st*sp*v[2]; temp[2]=-ck*st*v[0]+sk*st*v[1]+ct*v[2]; v[0]=temp[0]; v[1]=temp[1]; v[2]=temp[2]; } std:: ostream& operator<<(std:: ostream& s, const EvtVector3C& v){ s<<"("<<v.v[0]<<","<<v.v[1]<<","<<v.v[2]<<")"; return s; }