//************************************************************************// // // // Copyright 2013 Bertram Kopf (bertram@ep1.rub.de) // // Julian Pychy (julian@ep1.rub.de) // // - Ruhr-Universit??t Bochum // // // // This file is part of Pawian. // // // // Pawian is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // Pawian is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with Pawian. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // // // //************************************************************************// #define mysign(x) (( x > 0 ) - ( x < 0 )) #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <boost/random.hpp> #include "MinFunctions/EvoMinimizer.hh" #include "PwaUtils/GlobalEnv.hh" #include "FitParams/FitParColBase.hh" #include "ErrLogger/ErrLogger.hh" #include "PwaUtils/GlobalEnv.hh" #include "ConfigParser/ParserBase.hh" const double EvoMinimizer::DECREASESIGMAFACTOR = 0.9; const double EvoMinimizer::INCREASESIGMAFACTOR = 1.1; const double EvoMinimizer::DECREASELOWTHRESH = 0.2; const double EvoMinimizer::INCREASEHIGHTHRESH = 0.2; const double EvoMinimizer::LHSPREADEXIT = 0.01; // Constructor takes AbsFcn to minimze, start parameters upar, population and iteration // sizes and the output file name suffix EvoMinimizer::EvoMinimizer(std::shared_ptr<AbsFcn> theAbsFcnPtr, std::shared_ptr<AbsPawianParameters> upar, int population, int iterations) : AbsPawianMinimizer(theAbsFcnPtr, upar) ,_population(population) , _iterations(iterations) , _evoRatioOfModParams(GlobalEnv::instance()->parser()->evoRatioOfModParams()) , _currentBestParams(theAbsFcnPtr->defaultFitValParms()) , _defaultFitErrParms(theAbsFcnPtr->defaultFitErrParms()) , _currentResultFileName("currentEvoResult"+GlobalEnv::instance()->outputFileNameSuffix()+".dat") { if (_evoRatioOfModParams <= 0. || _evoRatioOfModParams>1.){ Alert << "_evoRatioOfModParams = " << _evoRatioOfModParams << " not possible\n" << "value must be set between 0. and 1. !!!!" << endmsg; exit(1); } Info << "population: " << _population <<"\niterations: " << _iterations << "\nratio of parameters to be modified: " << _evoRatioOfModParams << endmsg; } // Minimization takes place here void EvoMinimizer::minimize(){ double startlh = (*_absFcn)(_bestPawianParams->Params()); double minlh = startlh; int numnoimprovement = 0; Info << "Start LH = " << startlh << endmsg; for(int i = 0; i<_iterations; i++){ int numbetterlh = 0; double maxitlhspread=0; double itlh = minlh; _iterationParamBackup = std::shared_ptr<AbsPawianParameters>(_bestPawianParams->Clone()); _bestParamsIteration = std::shared_ptr<AbsPawianParameters>(_bestPawianParams->Clone()); for(int j = 0; j<_population; j++){ // Get iteration start parameters and shuffle them _tmpParams = std::shared_ptr<AbsPawianParameters>(_bestPawianParams->Clone()); ShuffleParams(); // Calc likelihood double currentlh = (*_absFcn)(_tmpParams->Params()); // Get information for break condition if(fabs(currentlh - minlh) > maxitlhspread){ maxitlhspread = fabs(currentlh - minlh); } // Test for new best lh in iteration; if(currentlh < itlh){ itlh = currentlh; _bestParamsIteration = std::shared_ptr<AbsPawianParameters>(_tmpParams->Clone()); } // Count number of lh improvements in the iteration if(currentlh < minlh){ numbetterlh++; } } // Break condition if(maxitlhspread < LHSPREADEXIT) break; // If a new minimum has been found, store information // and print parameters if(numbetterlh > 0){ _bestPawianParams = std::shared_ptr<AbsPawianParameters>(_bestParamsIteration->Clone()); minlh = itlh; numnoimprovement=0; GlobalEnv::instance()->fitParColBase()->getFitParamVal(_bestPawianParams->Params(), _currentBestParams); std::ofstream theStream(_currentResultFileName.c_str()); GlobalEnv::instance()->fitParColBase()->dumpParams(theStream, _currentBestParams, _defaultFitErrParms); } else{ numnoimprovement++; } // Emergency sigma decrease if(numnoimprovement > 5){ AdjustSigma(DECREASESIGMAFACTOR*DECREASESIGMAFACTOR, 0); } // Adjust errors depending on ratio of improved likelihoods to population size std::string logmessage; if(((double)numbetterlh / (double)_population) < DECREASELOWTHRESH){ AdjustSigma(DECREASESIGMAFACTOR, numbetterlh); logmessage = "Decreasing errors."; } else if(((double)numbetterlh / (double)_population) >= INCREASEHIGHTHRESH){ AdjustSigma(INCREASESIGMAFACTOR, numbetterlh); logmessage = "Increasing errors."; } // Print iteration summary Info << "===============================================" << endmsg; Info << "Iteration " << i+1 << " / " << _iterations << " done. Best LH " << minlh << endmsg; Info << "Likelihood improvements " << numbetterlh << " / " << _population << endmsg; Info << "Likelihood spread " << maxitlhspread << endmsg; Info << logmessage << endmsg; Info << "===============================================" << endmsg; } // Iterations // return _bestParamsGlobal->Params(); _minimumReached=true; } // Shuffles parameters using gauss distributions void EvoMinimizer::ShuffleParams(){ typedef boost::normal_distribution<double> NormalDistribution; typedef boost::mt19937 RandomGenerator; typedef boost::variate_generator<RandomGenerator&, NormalDistribution> GaussianGenerator; static RandomGenerator rng(static_cast<unsigned> (time(0))); bool acceptNewParams=false; while(!acceptNewParams){ for(unsigned int i=0; i<_tmpParams->Params().size(); i++){ // Don't touch fixed parameters if(_tmpParams->IsFixed(i)){ continue; } boost::random::uniform_real_distribution<> coinReal(0.,1.); double c01 = coinReal(rng); if (c01 > _evoRatioOfModParams) continue; //only 10% of the parameters changed acceptNewParams=true; // Decide whether parameter is increased or decreased boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> coin(0,1); bool c = coin(rng); // Initialize gaussian width as parameter error double sigma = _tmpParams->Error(i); // If gaussian collides with parameter limit, reduce width if(_tmpParams->HasLimits(i)){ if(c && (2*sigma > (_tmpParams->UpperLimit(i) - _tmpParams->Value(i)))){ sigma = (_tmpParams->UpperLimit(i) - _tmpParams->Value(i)) / 2.0; } else if(!c && (2*sigma > (_tmpParams->Value(i) - _tmpParams->LowerLimit(i)))){ sigma = (_tmpParams->Value(i) - _tmpParams->LowerLimit(i)) / 2.0; } } // Get random number and set new parameter NormalDistribution gaussian_dist(0, sigma); GaussianGenerator generator(rng, gaussian_dist); double val = fabs(generator()); if(c) _tmpParams->SetValue(i, _tmpParams->Value(i) + val); else _tmpParams->SetValue(i, _tmpParams->Value(i) - val); // Check for limits if(_tmpParams->HasLimits(i)){ if(_tmpParams->Value(i) < _tmpParams->LowerLimit(i)) _tmpParams->SetValue(i, _tmpParams->LowerLimit(i)); if(_tmpParams->Value(i) > _tmpParams->UpperLimit(i)) _tmpParams->SetValue(i, _tmpParams->UpperLimit(i)); } } } } void EvoMinimizer::printFitResult(double evtWeightSumData){ if(!_minimumReached){ Alert << "minimum has not been reached!!!" << endmsg; exit(1); } double finalLh = (*_absFcn)(_bestPawianParams->Params()); Info <<"final result theLh = "<< finalLh << endmsg; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // calculate AIC, BIC criteria and output selected wave contrib ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned int noOfFreeFitParams=_bestPawianParams->VariableParameters(); double BICcriterion=2.*finalLh+noOfFreeFitParams*log(evtWeightSumData); double AICcriterion=2.*finalLh+2.*noOfFreeFitParams; double AICccriterion=AICcriterion+2.*noOfFreeFitParams*(noOfFreeFitParams+1)/(evtWeightSumData-noOfFreeFitParams-1); Info << "noOfFreeFitParams:\t" <<noOfFreeFitParams; Info << "evtWeightSumData:\t" <<evtWeightSumData; Info << "BIC:\t" << BICcriterion << endmsg; Info << "AIC:\t" << AICcriterion << endmsg; Info << "AICc:\t" << AICccriterion << endmsg; } // Increase or decrease parameter errors by a factor void EvoMinimizer::AdjustSigma(double factor, int numimprovements){ for(unsigned int i=0; i<_bestPawianParams->Params().size(); i++){ // Don't touch fixed parameters if(_bestPawianParams->IsFixed(i)){ continue; } // When a lh improvement was achieved, don't decrease errors of parameters // that changed rapidly, also add a bonus to increasements. double afactor=factor; double pardiffsigmas = fabs(_bestPawianParams->Value(i) - _iterationParamBackup->Value(i)) / _bestPawianParams->Error(i); if(numimprovements > 0 && pardiffsigmas > 1.5){ if(factor < 1) afactor = 1.0; else if(factor > 1 ) afactor *= afactor; } // Set new error _bestPawianParams->SetError(i, _bestPawianParams->Error(i) * afactor); } }