diff --git a/Examples/Tutorial/LineShapes/TwoPoles.cc b/Examples/Tutorial/LineShapes/TwoPoles.cc
index 06f342385bc4ec646e334d3c07d3e4620285a3f6..0d6e1ffa5dc92aa3f154795b4a3d22217a52a782 100644
--- a/Examples/Tutorial/LineShapes/TwoPoles.cc
+++ b/Examples/Tutorial/LineShapes/TwoPoles.cc
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ TwoPoles::TwoPoles(double MassRes1, double Width1, double MassRes2, double Width
     complex<double> currentTmatrix=theTMatrixNonRel(0,0);
-    cout << "TMatrix:\t" <<  currentTmatrix << endl;
+    //    cout << "TMatrix:\t" <<  currentTmatrix << endl;
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ TwoPoles::TwoPoles(double MassRes1, double Width1, double MassRes2, double Width
     complex<double> currentTmatrixRel=theTMatrixRel(0,0);
-    cout << "TMatrixRel:\t" <<  currentTmatrixRel << endl;
+    //    cout << "TMatrixRel:\t" <<  currentTmatrixRel << endl;
diff --git a/Examples/Tutorial/LineShapes/TwoPolesApp.cc b/Examples/Tutorial/LineShapes/TwoPolesApp.cc
index 3921feef3dc86d1bc94d0bfa439c0aabd041f0c1..3944c64e0cdeeb270f0a290fd202ba38123d7dbd 100644
--- a/Examples/Tutorial/LineShapes/TwoPolesApp.cc
+++ b/Examples/Tutorial/LineShapes/TwoPolesApp.cc
@@ -36,22 +36,80 @@
 int main(int __argc,char *__argv[]){
-  double mass1=1.35;
-  double width1=0.3;
+  if( __argc>1 && ( strcmp( __argv[1], "-help" ) == 0
+                    || strcmp( __argv[1], "--help" ) == 0 ) ){
-  double mass2=1.5;
-  double width2=0.1; 
+    Info << "\nThis is a test application for histogramming the mass shapes of two resonances obtained by the Breit-Wigner parameterization and by the T-matrix calculation\n" 
+	 << "The switches are:\n\n"
+         << "-mass1 (mass of the resonance1;default 1.318)\n\n" 
+         << "-width1 (width1 of the resonance1;default 0.1)\n\n"
+         << "-mass2 (mass of the resonance2;default 1.5)\n\n" 
+         << "-delta (delta=mass range for histograms;default 0.4)\n\n" 
+         << endmsg;
+    return 0;
+  }
-  // double mass1=1.2;
-  // double width1=0.1;
+  std::string mass1Str="1.318";
+  std::string width1Str="0.1";
+  std::string mass2Str="1.5";
+  std::string width2Str="0.1";
+  std::string deltaStr="0.1";
-  // double mass2=1.8;
-  // double width2=0.1; 
+  while ((optind < (__argc-1) ) && (__argv[optind][0]=='-')) {
+    bool found=false;
+    std::string sw = __argv[optind];
+    if (sw=="-mass1"){
+      optind++;
+      mass1Str = __argv[optind];
+      found=true;
+    }
+    if (sw=="-width1"){
+      optind++;
+      width1Str = __argv[optind];
+      found=true;
+    }
+    if (sw=="-mass2"){
+      optind++;
+      mass2Str = __argv[optind];
+      found=true;
+    }
+    if (sw=="-width2"){
+      optind++;
+      width2Str = __argv[optind];
+      found=true;
+    }
+    if (sw=="-delta"){
+      optind++;
+      deltaStr = __argv[optind];
+      found=true;
+    }
+    if (!found){
+      Warning << "Unknown switch: " 
+	      << __argv[optind] << endmsg;
+      optind++;
+    }
+  }
+  std::stringstream mass1StrStr(mass1Str);
+  double mass1=0.;
+  mass1StrStr >> mass1;
-  double delta=0.4;
+  std::stringstream width1StrStr(width1Str);
+  double width1=0.;
+  width1StrStr >> width1;
+  std::stringstream mass2StrStr(mass2Str);
+  double mass2=0.;
+  mass2StrStr >> mass2;
+  std::stringstream width2StrStr(width2Str);
+  double width2=0.;
+  width2StrStr >> width2;
+  std::stringstream deltaStrStr(deltaStr);
+  double delta=0.;
+  deltaStrStr >> delta;  
   TwoPoles twoPoles(mass1, width1, mass2, width2, delta);